First gaming machine....GTX 980Ti or wait for pascal 1080?

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Jan 12, 2015
hello im from india, im building my first gaming machine and im torn between 980ti and pascal. ill be building it between april and june so should i have to get the 980ti or wait for pascal 1080?

Hopefully by May at least more should be known about Pascal, I for one have yet to see any mention of a Pascal desktop card.
I don't know what you're budget is right now, but if you don't have a rig right now, I'd put a GTX 970 for the time being. You can get an MSI GTX 970 Gaming 4G for $325 and are also offering a $20 mail-in rebate as well. I've read that Pascal might be out as early as April. If you can afford to buy a GTX 980 Ti and then buy Pascal, by all means do that, but if you want something that will run any game out there at 1080P resolutions will all the bells and whistles on, the 970 will do that with a smooth frame rate.

I have two MSI 970's and I think the 2nd one is overkill most of the time. Oh and if you're building a gaming rig, make sure and get a good CPU. I'd buy Skylake. It's the fastest. Also, do you want a 4,6, or 8 core CPU. Honestly, I think a 4 core will do you just fine. I personally love Intel CPU's and it is a fact that they are faster than AMD. That said, AMD makes great CPU's as well, they are just a little slower. Having said that, if you were going to go with an 8 core CPU, I'd actually go with AMD's FX-9590. Be warned though, all AMD components run hot, so get a good 3rd party heatsink/fan.

I would not under any circumstances buy an AMD video card. Steer way clear of those....for now anyway. The upcoming AMD video cards sporting HBM2 might be OK, don't know, but Nvidia is far better. The problems with AMD video cards is mostly a driver issue and it's been that way for years. Sorry for droning on. Oh, buy at least 16GB of RAM, I like G.Skill right now. Oh and buy an SSD. No, you don't actually 'need' to have an SSD, but I guarantee you it's the one component you could put in an old computer and make it seem like a modern one, because it loads programs so fast. I'd go nothing smaller than a 250GB. You can always go bigger if you want, but nothing smaller than that. I'd recommend a Samsung EVO Pro $120. That's one of the best SSD's out there, if not the best. On the cheaper side, but still good is the Crucial BX200 for $65.

When choosing a power supply, always go as big as you can. I like Corsair, something like an 850 watt or more PSU and I'd get modular. A modular PSU is just way more easy to work with when building and helps with airflow. As far as a case, it doesn't really matter. Just get something with good airflow. I like the Cooler Master HAF 912. You could also get the 922 or 932....up to you. Lastly, buy a good motherboard. It doesn't have to be a $500 mobo, just get a good one, don't skimp. I like MSI, Gigabyte, EVGA. I did only buy EVGA video cards up until last year. They were the very best, but they've slipped a bit the last year, so that's why I bought MSI. I like MSI for their motherboards too because they are soooo reliable. Gigabyte is good too, but it's all about being reliable. Asus is also good, but it seems like sometimes they sacrifice speed and performance for reliability. I've had several Asus boards.

A safe way to choose your components, whatever they may be, a good indicator (at Newegg for instance) is how many eggs. Don't buy anything under 4 eggs/stars, but also look at how many reviews too. So for the long post, just trying to be helpful.

You need to fold mate. )
You see so many of these threads and they always miss out the biggest part of choosing a gpu. It's all well and good to say a gtx 970 for 1080p but with out knowing how many hz the panel is and the refresh rate it's impossible to say. A single gtx 970 won't be an ough for 1080p at 144hz.

Furthermore unless Paul and Kyle were drunk when they did their road map to pascal they liked the 1080 pascal to a 970 so it's potentially not a like for like comparison.

Aren't most 1080p panels 60 Hz though. 2K or 4K probably would be of the higher Hz variety though. I'm not sure which Pascal variant they were referring to, but they did say it was up to 10x more powerful than Maxwell. I believe they were exaggerating when they said that, but at the very least I believe Pascal is easily twice as fast as Maxwell. Say they have a 1070 Pascal, then I believe one 1070 will be like running two 970's.

No not really lots of 144hz 1080p panels, lots of people game with multiple monitors as well. All im saying is you cant recommend a card without knowing at least the rough specs of the monitor being played on.

I dont think pascal will twice as fast either. I cant see a GTX 1070 being the equivalent of 970 sli and its probably a year away yet
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