Hello everyone. A good friend of mine is looking for build advice on his first gaming PC. He will also be needing a monitor and wants to spend around $1500 or so for everything. What do you guys/gals recommend? Thanks a lot! I greatly appreciate it.
Thank you so much for the responses guys/gals! You’re all awesome. Excluding any peripherals though, what would be the very best $1500 build possible? (Intel over AMD preferred) Or if he is willing to go a bit higher in budget?
Thank you so much for the responses guys/gals! You’re all awesome. Excluding any peripherals though, what would be the very best $1500 build possible? (Intel over AMD preferred) Or if he is willing to go a bit higher in budget?
@1440p/4k, the gaming difference is minimal going with AMD, hence the recommendations. Also socket support through 2020, and access to Ryzen 3000, later this year. I use a 6700k, myself, but if I were building new, it would be an AMD rig. As for your question on bringing price down, on the build you linked, peripherals aside, something like this.
Hey everyone, sorry for the late post. Thank you all very much again for the helpful/informative responses.
So, after talking some more with my friend I’ve found out precisely what he’s aiming for. His goal is 1440p max settings, with a monitor, keyboard, and mouse included in his build. Also, budget is $1500-$2000. Can this be done? I would like to use the build that I posted above as a baseline but feel free to offer better alternatives because I am open to it.