First Gaming PC build


Aug 17, 2014
So first of all I have done a lot of research looking for/finding parts. This will be my first Gaming build so I just wanted to make sure the research I have done is accurate and I'm not missing something big here. I have a HD that I will be using so thats why it is not part of the parts list.

That is a link to currently what I have planned.

My main questions are:
1. Will the Phanteks CPU cooler keep the 4790k cool? Everything I read about the 4790k is good, but they do say it runs hot. I would prefer to stay away from water cooling for the time being but I have no problem with running a H100i water cooler if needed.

2. Other than that my only questions would be what do you all think of the parts list? Is there anything I should consider changing?

My future plans are; getting another 780ti to run SLI. Possibly a 3rd monitor. And setting up a water cooling system with GPU/CPU blocks.

I do have previous hardware/software experiences with computers such as building/troubleshooting. This will be my first actual Gaming PC build. Any input is appreciated.

Thank You,
I would think you would want more than just 128 gigs of storage. You should at least throw in a $54 1TB western digital blue for storage in there.

Edit: I would also go with the 2133 speed ram instead of 2400. I've heard that the 2133 is the "sweet spot" for haswell.


Aug 17, 2014
Ya I meant to post this in the original post but didnt get a chance to edit it. But I have a 1TB WD already that I will be using.

But thanks.

RAM speed won't benefit you in gaming unless you use an APU, but hey, fast RAM doesn't hurt.

Yes sir.