First HTPC Build. What do you think of my plan? Any recommendations for something different?


Nov 12, 2008
For the last couple years I've been using an old Dell Inspiron 531S as my HTPC and it finally died. I could probably fix it, but this is a good excuse to build a new computers, so why not? This is my second build, so I'm not completely green. I've done a lot of research, but you guys helped me with my last build so I thought I'd run this one past the forum and get some feedback. I just wanted to see if you guys think it's solid, or if there is something I'm forgetting or if something doesn't make sense.

I use it for recording TV (Windows Media Center), Plex Media server, ripping my Blurays/DVDs, streaming stuff from the Internet...that kind of stuff. I don't play games on this box and I'm not overclocking, so that's why I went with an H81 motherboard vs H87/Z87, plus it was much cheaper.

I'd like to put the box inside my entertainment center, but it has doors and I'm concerned with overheating. I can store it outside if I need to. I'm not completely sure if I need the CPU cooler or not...and if I do, I don't know which one to get. The Cooler Master seemed popular so that's why I picked it.

I chose the i3-4130 for future proofing and so I wouldn't need a video card. I considered the Pentium G3220 and the i3-4130T. I didn't get the G3220 because I wanted the better graphics. I didn't get the i3-4130T because the specs were better on the non T version. I realize the 4130T uses less wattage which makes it run cooler and more quite, but that's not a huge concern. I'd rather it be faster I that correct thinking or am I making the wrong assumptions?

I went with 1 stick of RAM so I can upgrade in the future. I read that I'll lose about 5% of speed since I'm not taking advantage of the dual channels, but I'm thinking that's not a big deal. Thoughts?

The only things I'm buying new are the i3-4130, maybe CPU cooler, motherboard, memory, SSD, case, and power supply. Everything else is being repurposed from my old Dell. I'm not concerned about overall price, but I don't want to waste money on something I don't need.

I appreciate everyone's feedback!

CPU: Intel Core i3-4130 3.4GHz Dual-Core Processor ($109.98 @ SuperBiiz)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($29.99 @ NCIX US)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-H81M-HD3 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($69.49 @ Amazon)
Memory: Crucial Ballistix Sport 4GB (1 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($40.11 @ Amazon)
Storage: Samsung 840 EVO 120GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($79.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Green 1TB 3.5" 5400RPM Internal Hard Drive
Case: Silverstone ML04B HTPC Case ($69.99 @ Amazon)
Power Supply: Corsair CSM 450W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($54.99 @ Amazon)
Optical Drive: LG WH14NS40 Blu-Ray/DVD/CD Writer
Hauppauge TV Tuner - WinTV-HVR-2250
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8.1 (OEM) (64-bit)

The CPU cooler is too tall, it will not fit. You don't need one, the CPU will come with a cooler, but it's noisy. People get aftermarket coolers to reduce the noise. If noise isn't an issue for you, don't bother. If it is, consider something like the Phanteks PH-TC90LS.

For power supplies I'd buy:

with this:
The CPU cooler is too tall, it will not fit. You don't need one, the CPU will come with a cooler, but it's noisy. People get aftermarket coolers to reduce the noise. If noise isn't an issue for you, don't bother. If it is, consider something like the Phanteks PH-TC90LS.

For power supplies I'd buy:

with this:
Thanks for your feedback. Noise is a concern so I'd like to use an aftermarket CPU cooler. The one you recommended doesn't get good reviews. This one gets good reviews and is cheaper too - ARCTIC Freezer 11 LP. But some people complain about it being too wide and covering one of the RAM slots. Is there any way to tell if this will happen to be before I buy it? I'll get that power supply you recommended. Thanks!
Im using a G3220 + H81 mb + 2 x4 gig of RAM for tv recording , playback and dvd playback
Works perfectly
Havent tried a bluray , but the reviews I have seen say that will be fine too . 1080p mpg4 playback is .

You need more RAM
Suggest you replace the hard drive with a 3.5 inch seagate hybrid . Faster boots and loads . No extra power use you will notice

Exactly, the Phanteks is designed to take up no more space than the stock Intel cooler so it's guaranteed to fit into any and every case/motherboard. The reviews are bad because most of the review sites insist on comparing it to much, much larger coolers like the Arctic Freezer, but if you compare it to the stock Intel cooler it provides about the same cooling but at much lower noise levels, which is exactly what it is designed to do.

As well as the RAM slots the Arctic Freezer 11 LP could very well cover your PCI Express slot. On my motherboard (ASRock B75-MITX) the RAM slot wouldn't be blocked but the PCI-e slot would be.

If it will fit though, yes, you could get at Arctic Freezer cooler. The AXP 140 is worth considering, as is the Samuel 17 with a Scythe Slip Stream Slim fan.