henryjamesguest :
geofelt :
I think you are good.
I just read this budget cpu report on the G5400 processor which included a comparison with I3-8100.
In all cases, the I3-8100 did just fine at over 100 fps in the tested games using a GTX1080ti.
Even the G5400 did well.
Really? I have just read a couple of articles that say the 1070 will get bottlenecked, although admittedly not how much. I guess it really depends what he plans to do with the system (what GPU usage is expected).
I was a bit surprised myself.
There is no such thing as "bottlenecking"
If, by that, you mean that upgrading a cpu or graphics card can
somehow lower your performance or FPS.
A better term might be limiting factor.
That is where adding more cpu or gpu becomes increasingly
less effective.
Fast action games respond best to a fast graphics card, and a GTX1070 is very good at 1080P
Other games such as sims, strategy and mmo will respond best to the performance of the single master thread.
The 3.6 stock clock of the I3-8100 is quite good.
A nice competitor might be the more expensive ryzen 1400 with a slower 3.2 clock which can go higher with overclocking.
It will have 8 threads, but the truth is that few of today's games can effectively use more than 2-3 threads.
Game developers will not make games that require 8 threads; they do not want to limit their market.