majorgeneralalbeard :
logainofhades :
majorgeneralalbeard :
AMD cpu's are bad value kid. Every review that i read before i built my Pc agreed. AMD is now a gpu not a cpu company. Intel cpus are better and more value that AMD <o/
Completely untrue since Ryzen launch. This coming from someone using a 6700k.
I love how ignorant everyone is being. AMD claims that Ryzen is faster but i have used both Intel and AMD (The newer ones) and i can tell inconstantly that the Intel cores run Windows and any games that i play faster than the AMD cpus. You AMD fans can have your opinion and back your favourite but i am not gonna believe the * you are trying to tell me. I know from experiment that the Intel cores run faster no matter what the * AMD claims.
Also although the ryzen cores may run some and i mean SOME applications faster, 98.9% of software does not take advantage of 8 cores so it ends up being slower
So you come in and call everyone fanboys, and then cherry pick an article from almost a year and a half ago that doesn't even make your point.,5571.html
Current article, current products, and current prices.
And no, I don't believe for 1 second you built competing systems and sat there and noticed games or programs "running faster" Gaming wise without watching an FPS counter you would never see the difference. Software wise without benchmarking specific tasks you wouldn't either, and heck the AMD is often faster.
So again, "AMD CPUs are bad value, kid" is one of the most technologically ignorant things you can say.