Alright ladies and gentleman... It's been about 5 years but I'm interested in building another computer
This computer is mostly going to be used for audio/video work, photoshop/flash/illustrator, and web browsing/email. It's safe to say this is not a 'gaming build'... Although I do play counter strike and team fortress 2 once in a blue moon.
The parts....
EVGA E758-A1
Core i7 920
Video Card
Sapphire HD 4830
G.Skill 3 x 2gb
Hard Drive (will get 2)
WD Caviar Black 640gb
Optical Drive
LG DVD Burner
Antec 300
Power Supply
Corsair 520HX
Fans (will get 2)
Silverstone 120mm Case Fans
...I hope I'm not forgetting anything. By the way, this computer is going to be purchased within the next 2 weeks and will run the Windows 7 RC until I am able to pick up the retail later this year.
Keep in mind this is already at the top of my budget, but if anybody has any suggestions I would love to hear them.
Thanks in advance!
This computer is mostly going to be used for audio/video work, photoshop/flash/illustrator, and web browsing/email. It's safe to say this is not a 'gaming build'... Although I do play counter strike and team fortress 2 once in a blue moon.
The parts....
EVGA E758-A1
Core i7 920
Video Card
Sapphire HD 4830
G.Skill 3 x 2gb
Hard Drive (will get 2)
WD Caviar Black 640gb
Optical Drive
LG DVD Burner
Antec 300
Power Supply
Corsair 520HX
Fans (will get 2)
Silverstone 120mm Case Fans
...I hope I'm not forgetting anything. By the way, this computer is going to be purchased within the next 2 weeks and will run the Windows 7 RC until I am able to pick up the retail later this year.
Keep in mind this is already at the top of my budget, but if anybody has any suggestions I would love to hear them.
Thanks in advance!