First Rig, Upgrade/Bottle Neck Questions


May 9, 2014
CPU: AMD FX-8350
Mobo:MSI 970A-G46
V-Card: GTX 770 2GB
PSU: Corsair CSM 650W 80+ Gold

I wanted to know if my CPU would become a bottleneck if I added a second GTX 770 to the build, and would the PSU be enough to handle both cards? I'm new to building, this is my first rig and I want to make sure I don't blow it up or waste money.

Also, I would like any recommendations for cooling...I play games with lots of mods for many hours at a time, do I have to learn how to do the water-cooling or should I just install more fans? So far I only have the the two stock fans that came with the case, and the stock CPU fan.

(The Case - NZXT 530 ATX Full Tower Case)
The FX 8350 is a strong processor so I think you'll be good on that front and without worries of bottle-necking. You may want to try and overclock it a little bit to be sure it's not holding you back though. As for the PSU you'll want to upgrade to at least an 800W-850W for SLI GTX 770s. I wouldn't go lower than a 600W for a single GTX 770, let alone two.

You should be fine on cooling. Your cards will handle themselves, and your CPU shouldn't see much if any increased temperatures.

He is correct, didn't even look. only supports CF

I just saw a video on youtube of a guy overclocking the exact card I have so that shouldn't be too hard...And damn I should of just waited a week or two until I could of got a better PSU...I've only owned the stuff for about 2 weeks I hope I can return the PSU

That's everything in the PC except for the 500GB Kingston HDD

I have all of the listed parts already, and the computer is running. I just noticed I made a mistake also, I took the components off my partpicker page, I actually have the msi 970a-g46 which supports SLI. xD I got nervous for a second.

Sorry bro, I pasted my old parts list onto the page I actually ended up getting a different Mobo when I ordered the parts. (msi 970a-G46) it supports SLI

You know, it's funny that everyone rips on SLI setups by saying that support isn't there. Support for SLI is actually decently robust with respect to gaming. I ran SLI GTX 660's for about six months or better and it ran every game I had for PC just about the same as the stock GTX 780 I replaced them with. Fact is that unless you're playing a game that's been obsolete for several years, 2x SLI works just as good as a single card solution. The performance difference is negligible at best.