First things to do after building my first PC


Dec 16, 2012
I'm looking to build my first computer (X99 system) in the first week of 2017 and wanted to gather information of things to do after building my computer.

This is after installing Windows 10.

What are you recommendations. I've been told once all programs have been updated to put system through a stress test to see if the system is functioning properly. Any suggestions for this?
Drivers are what you should do first. stress testing is probably a good idea (heavy game or stress test software), maybe an antivirus. Maybe set up some form of organization in your file system.
Make sure you have all your drivers and that they are up to date. Then just get the usual stuff like Adobe and put all your files and games on there. Then you can just do the stress test on the pc. There are you tube videos showing different stress test and credible you tubers by the way before someone comments you tube can't be trusted or something silly like that.
Drivers may pay to get them off whatever site. The cd drivers maybe out of date.

Wouldnt bother about installing overclocking programs on the mobo site. They'll probably crash on you sooner or later

I dont bother with stress tests either. If it goes it goes. And if it stays on, thats good enough for me


I'll be recording my first build for my YouTube channel, probably won't dance when I'm done and its working though.

As for the others, thank you for your feedback, I won't be doing any serious and a tad overkill like a 24 hour memtest but I'll ensure to update all components with appropriate drivers and update windows and then start testing the system performance then move onto installing my programs and games.