Hi. This is pretty much my first time posting a thread so please bare with me. First I'm new to this whole thing so can anyone help suggest a decent build between $500-$800. In that build i am hoping i could fit in a GTX 760 with an Intel processor, but my main concern is the cooling problem with it. You see i live in a bit of a hot climate where the temperatures could reach 40-45 degrees. 🙁. If you can can you please suggest a way to get the best cooling in my system so it doesn't overheat here. The last thing i want to ask is that the region i live in has very poor internet and i only download games when I'm up at work where the internet is good. Downloading them over here is not an option, thus i just want this system to be built for single player games but i have all these games on my pissy laptop that can barley play them at low, but i was wondering if there's a way for me to transfer my steam games from this laptop onto the desktop with out having to download them. Could i simply transfer them by a external hard drive then past them in a new steam folder on my new computer. thanks for sticking with me. Sorry for some of the bad englsih