First Time Build - Feedback Wanted


Feb 23, 2013
I've been using this site quite a bit to get answers to my first computer build, and now I'm hoping to get some feedback on my build.

Here's a link to the part list:

Obviously, its not completely done yet. I still have to choose a HDD, among other things, since the SSD is mainly a boot disk.

I'm planning on using the computer for some moderate gaming, as I want to get into PC gaming eventually. I think it should function well for that purpose. Also, trying to keep the price range low (under $800). I have the OS already, so that's not being calculated in the total price of the rig. I've also left it open for some future upgrades such as Crossfire.

My main concerns:

1. Is this a balanced build? I'm hoping to avoid bottlenecks right off the bat.

2. Will the CPU support the GPU? Reason I ask this is that I've read somewhere that some CPUs can't handle GPUs with 3.0 Express x16. I honestly don't know the validity of that statement, so please let me know.

Thanks for any help given.

Edit: 3. Do I absolutely need a Crossfire Ready motherboard to use Crossfire efficiently?

Also, it should be known that my monitor will most likely run at 1920 x 1200 resolution (the reason I'm going with a 2 GB CPU)
There's only a handful of games so far that use more than 2 cores, though that may soon change since all the next-gen consoles have AMD hardware in them. That said, unless really pressed money, I highly suggest going for the FX-6300 instead since Phenom, though still powerful, is already outdated architecture.

Hyper 212 EVO or Plus is the best entry level CPU cooler you can get. :)

ECC shouldn't be a feature to consider when shopping for the right SSD. I'll let this other thread explain it.

SSD lifespan is no longer an issue with the latest generation SSDs either(the good ones at least), they're built to last around 9 years, which I highly doubt you'll use for that long since even...
I doubt the Phenom would bottleneck a 7850. Though you can just get an i3 or FX-6300 for a few bucks more.

That Xigmatek CPU cooler, I doubt would perform any better than the stock that comes with the CPU.

Your motherboard doesn't support Crossfire. Not correctly, at least.

Get this SSD instead, twice the capacity for only a few dollars more.

Better PSUs, either would be fine.

I was honestly thinking about getting an FX series, but I read a review of gaming CPUs on this site and the Phenom II is on the same hierarchy level as a few of the FX series. The i3 set of Intel chips unfortunately only comes with dual-core while quad-core is more optimal for gaming (albeit somewhat unnecessary) Here's a link to the article:,3106.html

I'll look into the CPU Cooler, honestly, I'm not planning on Overclocking too much. Just want to overclock a wee bit just so I know how to.

Should I look for a Crossfire Ready motherboard instead? I figured having 2 PCI Express x16 slots would suffice.

That SSD is nice but doesn't come with ECC, which helps the overall lifespan of the drive. Either way, I seriously only using the SSD as a boot drive. May put League of Legends on it, as it's the game I play the most.

Why are those PSUs better? I noticed that the XFX's +12V runs at 53Amps but that's it.

Thank you very much for the input. Do appreciate it
There's only a handful of games so far that use more than 2 cores, though that may soon change since all the next-gen consoles have AMD hardware in them. That said, unless really pressed money, I highly suggest going for the FX-6300 instead since Phenom, though still powerful, is already outdated architecture.

Hyper 212 EVO or Plus is the best entry level CPU cooler you can get. :)

ECC shouldn't be a feature to consider when shopping for the right SSD. I'll let this other thread explain it.

SSD lifespan is no longer an issue with the latest generation SSDs either(the good ones at least), they're built to last around 9 years, which I highly doubt you'll use for that long since even way before that time comes, newer technology would be released.

If you want to get the most out of your SSD, here's a great guide by Tom's.,2911.html

If you want to observe and take note of how much life your SSD will have left like me, I use the tool from this site.

Also, some personal advice, I would stay away from Sandforce-based SSDs as they have had multiple issues in the past mostly with BSOD and inefficiency with incompressible data. Though the latter has been alleviated(not sure to what extent) with 2nd-gen Sandfoce employing Toggle-NAND.

XFX PSUs are OEM'd by Seasonic, they're the same quality.

Your motherboard's 2nd PCI-E 3.0 only runs @ x4, that's going to bottleneck the 2nd GPU. You need to decide now if you're going to Crossfire or not so you can choose the right motherboard. Crossfire-compatible boards usually start around $125~; that and, you would definitely need to OC that Phenom since it has a good possibility to bottleneck dual GPUs.

Awesome, that's the exact kind of reply I wanted! Thanks a bunch for the links and information. I'll have to update my build a bit and do some more research now, lol. Good thing I actually like doing this sort of stuff.

I think Third gen of SF SSD will lead the trend when it comes to innovative technology. Like the rest, I have had few performance issues with my SF SSD. Also this would be unfair if I do not mention that just a recent batch update has fixed majority of my issues!