first time building a computer, need help


Aug 18, 2017

Here is my setup that i was planning to buy, but i dont know what motherboard fits, is the processor good with the graphics card etc. So i was thinking if somebody could help me to refine and ''min-max'' my setup, i dont mind if the price goes up a little, the gtx 1070 is the most important thing here.
i tried your suggested setup, the price went up with around 90e, and now i have 1080 instead of 1070, seems good so far, is the processor going to last as long as the graphics card?

A B350 board is basically the same but is over 100 euros less. Not worth the cost for a few extra GHz when that money can be put towards a 1080. Also, surely he'd need a hard drive unless he wants to get a 1TB SSD, maybe a 250GB 850 evo + 1TB WD Blue.


dont draw your own conclusions, a x370 baord costs 30+- euros more.

you dont instantly fill 180 gb of space , op can add a hdd later on.

I'm making my price comparisons based on the £, never known the euro.

I've found in experience that even 250GB fills fast
That SSD will fill way too fast. B350 would make sense, unless you want SLI. I would change the PSU to an Evga B2/B3 if available, or a Corsair CX650m, or any Seasonic 620w+. Those RMx units are nice, but pricey. B350 and a less expensive, but still quality PSU would make budgetary room for more storage.