Hello everyone. I am very interested in building a gaming PC. I play a lot of Battlefield 3 and FPS on my ps3 and want to make the big switch. I will be starting out with no knowledge or experience with a gaming PC. I would like to keep a budget between $500-$750 but I will also have to get everything else, like keyboard, mouse, monitor, speakers... etc. I would use this computer for moderate to high gaming, and would also use it for basic things, like windows 7, and searching the web. I would like to get the " biggest bang for my buck". Please keep in mind this does not have to be the best PC. I would just like a good starter PC to gain knowledge and experience with it, and make individual component swaps as time progresses to enhance my gaming experience. If anyone one could help me with a build list and any information I would appreciate it. I have been looking into newegg.com. Thanks!