Hello all-
I'm looking at building a system for the first time, and I'm kind of on information overload. I have a fairly good idea of what I want in everything except for the motherboard. I've looked around on THG and the newegg reviews, and several other websites, but there's so much info that I don't quite know what to do.
I'm essentially going to be gaming on this machine, but I don't need a full on "Extreme Gaming/OCing" board. I'm looking more for something that'll expand well and last for a decent length of time. I know that I'd like to start with an E6600 CPU and a single Geforce card, with a bump up to SLI when the money comes around. The ability to minorly OC the the processor would be good when I get the guts to do it, but for the most part everything will be at stock speeds.
Any help/suggestions would be appreciated
As a PS.....how long would this info be good for? I'm probably not going to do this in the next 2 weeks or anything, so if it's going to be a month or so, should I even bother looking at parts now? I'm not sure what the shelf life on some of this stuff is.
I'm looking at building a system for the first time, and I'm kind of on information overload. I have a fairly good idea of what I want in everything except for the motherboard. I've looked around on THG and the newegg reviews, and several other websites, but there's so much info that I don't quite know what to do.
I'm essentially going to be gaming on this machine, but I don't need a full on "Extreme Gaming/OCing" board. I'm looking more for something that'll expand well and last for a decent length of time. I know that I'd like to start with an E6600 CPU and a single Geforce card, with a bump up to SLI when the money comes around. The ability to minorly OC the the processor would be good when I get the guts to do it, but for the most part everything will be at stock speeds.
Any help/suggestions would be appreciated
As a PS.....how long would this info be good for? I'm probably not going to do this in the next 2 weeks or anything, so if it's going to be a month or so, should I even bother looking at parts now? I'm not sure what the shelf life on some of this stuff is.