I am building a PC. The games that I will be playing include Minecraft w/ 150+ mods, Day-Z Standalone, Elder Scrolls Online, and the average Steam Game like Gary's Mod. I will be using this PC to game, record, edit, render, and stream to Twitch at 30+ FPS at 720p. I am going switching internet providers soon to get a better upload speed, so I don't want that to factor in this. The maximum budget for this build is $1000. I don't plan on overclocking right away, but when the CPU becomes a little outdated I might overclock to compete with newer CPUs. I also do not want to upgrade this build for at least around 5 years. That's why I want to keep overclocking in the picture. Here is a build that I have done:
Will I be able to do all that I want with this build? Is it possible to downgrade and still get optimal results? Thanks!
Will I be able to do all that I want with this build? Is it possible to downgrade and still get optimal results? Thanks!