first time pc builder


The 970 is not better than the R9 390 even at 1080p unless he gets one of the higher end models and massively overclocks it.
Looks pretty good although I'd recommend getting a higher wattage PSU for that card (something like an EVGA 850 B2 would allow Crossfire as well). Also, the only benefit you'd get from an aftermarket cooler with that CPU would be (significantly) less noise than the stock one.

If ur gaming on 1080p ditch the 390 and get the 970 which is the best for 1080p.... For the same price its better and requires low power... And id say get 600W or 650W for the build so u can do some changes in the future and since u dnt have the k processor so u cnt overclock so ditch the aftermarket cooler the stock should be enough

The 970 is not better than the R9 390 even at 1080p unless he gets one of the higher end models and massively overclocks it.

its the 390 we r talking bout not 390x....
the 970 is equal to the 390 and in some games gets more fps in 1080p..
But in higher res its another story

hey thanks for your quick response, i guess i will be getting a higher PSU and for the card i guess ill do more research on whether to get 390 or 970 as this is a very debatable topic i think? btw thanks for the advice!

thanks for your suggestions too! now i might have to look more into getting 390 or 970!

As far as 970 vs 390 goes, it comes down to a single question: Will you overclock? If you're willing to massively overclock your card (including raising Vcore), then get one of the higher end 970s. If not, get the R9 390. If you look into the difference in performance between stock 970 vs stock 390 when using DX12 you'll see that the R9 390 is the better choice if you don't plan to overclock and want decent future-proofing.