Mr Kagouris :
Dulith1118 :
dweller14 :
hello,this is my first time building a gaming pc and im kinda noob so i guess i could use some help advices. budget wise i can afford around 800-1000? this are the parts that ive picked
If ur gaming on 1080p ditch the 390 and get the 970 which is the best for 1080p.... For the same price its better and requires low power... And id say get 600W or 650W for the build so u can do some changes in the future and since u dnt have the k processor so u cnt overclock so ditch the aftermarket cooler the stock should be enough
The 970 is not better than the R9 390 even at 1080p unless he gets one of the higher end models and massively overclocks it.
its the 390 we r talking bout not 390x....
the 970 is equal to the 390 and in some games gets more fps in 1080p..
But in higher res its another story