First Time to OC - Do these stats look alright?


Sep 21, 2009
I have an i7 2600k and a Gigabyte z68-apd3. This is my first time overclocking and I OC'ed my CPU from 3.4 to 4.4Ghz using this small guide


I saved to CMOS, booted windows, ran Prime95 and get this at my HWMonitor:


This is my first time to overclock, do these stats look alright or am I at a risk of burning up my system?
I would recommend manually setting vcore. Auto is almost always higher than it should, and too much voltage can kill it, (IIRC, Intel recommends 1.3 volts max.) Set ram to 1600 while you do this, you can overclock that later if you chose. Make sure turbo boost is disabled. To start just set vcore to something 1.100 and boot into windows, if it boots, then stress it, (i dont recommend prime 95, its way to much and i would strongly suggest heavy load or some thing less intensive, every OC I've tested with heavyload was pretty stable) Don't go running your stress test for hours, its really unnecessary, 20 minutes will bring out most instabilities, if at some point, later that day, or months later, it crashes, then go to bios and up the...
I would recommend manually setting vcore. Auto is almost always higher than it should, and too much voltage can kill it, (IIRC, Intel recommends 1.3 volts max.) Set ram to 1600 while you do this, you can overclock that later if you chose. Make sure turbo boost is disabled. To start just set vcore to something 1.100 and boot into windows, if it boots, then stress it, (i dont recommend prime 95, its way to much and i would strongly suggest heavy load or some thing less intensive, every OC I've tested with heavyload was pretty stable) Don't go running your stress test for hours, its really unnecessary, 20 minutes will bring out most instabilities, if at some point, later that day, or months later, it crashes, then go to bios and up the vcore just a little, and it'll probably be fine. Just up the vcore by 0.015 or something, until it boots, and passes your stress test.

How do I manually set? I dunno how. Here is a creenshot of my Volttage Settings:

Why do I set RAM to 1600? And is RAM "System Memory Multiplier" as seen here?:


My BIOS does not have a "Vcore setting" a lot of tutorials mention this but I just can't find it on my BIOS.

This is the first time I've heard about Heavy Load. I will try. What is your opinion on the Intel Burn Test?

And you say Prime95 is too much load, is that not the point of stress testing?

Again I am new to all this so sorry for any dumb questions.
The screenshots you attached dont load for me. But yes i would assume System memory multiplier would be the setting, set it to 16. 1600mhz is the standard DDR3 speed. Anything higher is considered overclocked, overclocked ram can make your CPU overclock unstable, so stock ram speed ensures it wont interfere. And the Dynamic Vcore is actually the same thing as vcore apparently (learn something new everyday) So you can leave that setting how you have it. I dont like prime95 because it is much, much more stressful than anything normal use can do. Yes, the point is to stress it, but when i use Heavyload, my temperatures are about 10-15c higher than when i play games, i used prime95 once, and the temps were a full 25-30c higher than games. To me thats pointless. I've never used the intel burn test, so i don't have an opinion lol. Again, I'm not an extreme overclocker, or anything like that. I read a lot, and then i overclocked my i5 to 4.3 and left it be. It's been stable for 6 months.