[First timer] PC BUILD HELP.

I think the CPU is overkill for gaming, but if you're gonna do video editing too, then it's OK.

For just gaming, the i5-4690K is more than enough.
Hello man !

Great rig
But you can certainly save some money by :
- Getting an ASUS GTX 970
- Getting an aircooling, instead of a watercooling
- A cheaper (But not bad) mobo
- An 550W XFX PSU

The ASUS Xonar D2X/Pheobus are better than the CSB ones
With the saved money, you can pick an SSD, which improve hugely your bureautic uses

Got cha. For aircooling, what brand should I get? I don't want to mess up and have compatibility issues.

Got ya. The 3.5ghz one? All right.

but the i5 with 970 will also run far cry 4, battlefield 4 etc. 1080p ultra settings 60fps +

I changed my graphics card to GTX 970 for money saving and use the money save for SSD.


Great! Last question, does my motherboard come with a integrated sound card? If so I can remove the sound card in my cart.

yeah, the sound is very good on your motherboard, unless you create music you dont need one

Got cha bro. Thanks a lot. :)

Greats picks, Crucial make very reliable SSDs, and Noctua very silent aircoolings
Just keep in mind to take low profile RAM, like Crucial Ballistix, or Kingston HyperX Fury, the Corsair Vengeance won't fit under the D14

I have the corsair vengeance as my RAM. What do you recommend? Since my air cooling is D14

Great! In conclusion, I decided to change my power supply and my cpu casing since the last one did not have a SSD bay.

Casing : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811147161

PSU :http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817182298&cm_re=rosewill-_-17-182-298-_-Product

And I think that's it. Thank you for helping me, it means a lot. :)
- It's okay, unless I am not great fan about Resewill cases, it should be enough
But be careful, there is any information about CPU Clearance, may be the U14S (165mm) won't fit inside

- Rosewill PSUs are great, there are maked by a very trusted OEM : SuperFlower
Good pick 😉

You should look at this proposition :
