Fitting GTX460 into my case - help!

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Aug 29, 2010
I'm trying to fit my new GTX 460 into my case but there is a connector in the way. Looks like the blue cable is going from the CD/DVD drive to a slot on the motherboard labeled "SATA2_2." My new card can't get into it's slot because this the cable is in the way.

There are other blue connectors out of the way titled "SATA2_5" - can I just move the blue connector that's in the way over to those ones?

I'm not too technically saavy so sorry if this is a dumb question. Here are some pics, thanks for the help:



I didn't have enough 6-pin connectors from the PSU to hookup the video card so I stole one from the CD drive. Do I need to get a new power supply with more connectors or can I get some sort of splitter cable?
Take a shot of the PSU; The rating label is on the side, that way we can se what it is, it may not be suitable for the GTX460s' power demands.
I take it the PSU has one 6 pin PCI-E cable and that you have used one of the adaptors that came with the card? If so you might be OK, but we'll need to see the PSU rating label to be sure.
you'll probably need another PSU, depending. I assume you mean you used a molex (those old 4 pin connector) to PCI-E 6 min adaptor.

How many MOLEX connectors do you have and what are you using them for? Also, what PSU do you have?

EDIT: sorry on reposting what had essentially just been posted. It wasn't up when I wrote the message.
I threw all cation to the wind and tried out the video card and ran starcraft 2 on ultra as a test. It looked great, but of course, I want to make sure my comptuer doesn't blow up and having the CD drive would be nice!

Here's the PSU:

You need another PSU- Urgently.
I really cannot stress this enough, you should remove the card and restore the system to its previous state until you can source a stronger powersupply.
At best the PSU could simply pop and die, at worst it could die and take the entire system with it.
What country do you live in and how much can you spend on a new PSU?
what are all your cables going to?

I would say that most likely if you don't have enough connections you might look into a new psu, but I think one 460 *could* run off of that if it had to.

I'll take out the card until I get a new PSU. I'm in the USA and would like to spend >$100, any suggestions?

Here's the computer I have if that helps:
@ MacbookNo: Nice find by duk3, it's pretty well perfect for your needs and quite inexpensive.
@ ct1615: Was n't sure about the cabling issue but it's handy to know.
@ punnar: Some care needs to be taken here. MacbookNos' PSU shows a maximum Wattage of 480W but that is peak, not sustained, it's average is only 330Watts, most of which is through the +3.3 and 5 Volt lines.
All systems these days draw the bulk of their power from the +12v line/s so it is the output there that is critical rather than the combined total wattage or outputs on the lower voltage lines. Check the difference in outputs : That Seasonic can deliver 40A on the +12v line, more than double that of the installed units' 16A even though it is only claiming 40Watts more total output.
coozie7: @ punnar: Some care needs to be taken here. MacbookNos' PSU shows a maximum Wattage of 480W but that is peak, not sustained, it's average is only 330Watts, most of which is through the +3.3 and 5 Volt lines.
All systems these days draw the bulk of their power from the +12v line/s so it is the output there that is critical rather than the combined total wattage or outputs on the lower voltage lines. Check the difference in outputs : That Seasonic can deliver 40A on the +12v line, more than double that of the installed units' 16A even though it is only claiming 40Watts more total output.[/quotemsg]

If you would read the article it explains what you are talking about. The following is taken from the article, at the "Actual Power Consumption And Current Requirements" section:

"As you can see from the stated power rating, you can very quickly run into trouble with this 500-watt power supply, because despite the 500 W figure, it only provides 17 A on the 12 V line—at least 20 A to 25 A is necessary for a current standard PC with the HD 4870. So even if AMD sets 500 watts as a requirement, you can not assume all cheap power supplies will suffice based solely on this parameter.

With current brand name power supplies, things are different: pretty much every 500-watt brand name power supply will provide 25 A on the 12 V line. Even older brand name power supplies with fewer watts achieve the required targets. "

Bought the PSU suggested by duk3. I had never installed a PSU but figured it out in about 15 minutes (of course - the cables look a little jumbled right now). My PSU seems a lot quieter than before and the graphics card looks great.

Thanks for the help everyone!
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