Thanks for the well-done roundup and the timing is perfect! I'm currently in the process of ordering parts for two new gaming boxes and the case decisions for both has been, as always, the most agonizing choice by far. EVERY case has it's flaws, even the Corsair 800d and the Cooler Master Cosmos S. Drives me crazy. My biggest complaint is more cases need to make cleaning dust filters for ALL intakes EASY. Too many skip the side fans, or think the top-mounted exhausts don't need dust covers. Try living in LA or living in a house with crappy AC where you leave the windows open most of the time.
Question, I've never seen one in person, but looking at the pics both at newegg and at ABS' own website, it looks like the Canyon is taller than it is long which, if correct, would mean it's not 17" in height but rather 23.5 inches and the depth front-to-back would be the 17" measurement. Just asking since I dunno.