Fix a Macbook Pro with a Windows 7 Virus?


Feb 8, 2012
I am considering installing Windows 7 Professional on a Macbook Pro using Bootcamp and partitioning the hard drive. I understand that when you do that your computer is then prone to viruses. But I was wondering, if you get a virus using Windows 7 on a Mac, does it only effect the Windows Partition or does it effect the whole Hard Drive?

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Obviously you have little knowledge of viruses, you see, there are different types of viruses, spyware, malware, trojans, to name a few, but each virus targets a different part of your computer, most don't go for your Windows partition, the majority of viruses simply copy themselves repeatedly until your hard drive is full and your computer burn up. Windows 7 has a free antivirus though, it's not very powerful, but it works, other good free antiviruses are AVG and AVAST!