Fix a missing chip on motherboard


May 28, 2016
Hey guys I have a problem with my motherboard I found a small silver chip with the number 25.0f3a on it and I can see where it was on the motherboard what can I do cause my pc won't come on
I think that is a 25Mhz quarz clock chip. Usually connected by two leads and possibly by it's casing to the old motherboards. since amount of contacts is at most 3, self soldering might be possible. (the text goes up)
However, if the motherboard is more recent (like 2006+) then the chip might be small enough that self soldering gets tricky.

Also possible downside is that whatever physical impact caused it to break off, MIGHT have caused other problems also so even if soldering would succeed, there is no guarantee that everything works.
Thanks lettle_me that was helpful I just don't know where I'm gong to find this chip in South Africa
The uther problem I did find and that I found fist was my on board network card wasn't working and now I find this

Any electronics repair shop should be able to order that part, but if there are other unrelated issues with the motherboard, then replacing it may be a wiser decision.
Thanks dud I'll have to find one
Just one more question if I find a board that has the same chip on it and I'm able to remove the chip will I be able to use it on my board
K cool then I have all the equipment I need to do it I just don't have a surface station but I think I'll get it right but I'll keep you guys in the loop.
Thanks you guys for your help