Fix Microphone Noises while Streaming in Living Room?

Aug 21, 2017
Hello, I was wondering what are some tips for streaming in high reverb areas, like my living room, where sound bounces off and there's not much place to mute sound, how would I go about reducing sounds and such?

The microphone I use is the Audio Tecnica AT-2020, and I'm using a Cherry MX Red Keyboard.

I use OBS Studio, and still lots of keyboard noises are picked up.

I've done some research on O-Rings and I'm wondering if they would hinder my performance while I game.

You could use some sound dampening material on your room walls or perhaps hand up some painting's/artwork featured on proper canvas. Any form of irregularity you can introduce on your room walls will help diffuse the sound and prevent it from reverberating across the room. Furniture can also help.

You can also look within your sound manager/properties to see if noise cancelling feature is available. Speaking of which what is your audio output device? Is it based on Realtek's ALC chip?
You can start by putting a noise gate and . . . . noise suppression? filter on your microphone in OBS.
The gate configured so that the key-strokes themselves don't get broadcasted (though they'll still be there when you talk and open the circuit).
O-rings do help on top of that. I don't know if they interfere with the gaming experience though.
Microphone positioning might help a great deal as well. Your AT-2020 has a cardoid pickup pattern. If your position is directly in front of you with the keyboard below it'll pick up more than if you move it to 45 degree in front of you (with the keyboard now below and to the side), for instance.

Regarding the physical bounding off of sound, there is Lutfij's suggestions. Sound reverb is mostly due to clean walls and 90 degree corners. Soften the walls to absorb and deflect the sound.
Maybe add a room divider behind you.

So, I have some clips here that you may be able to check out. Here are also some screenshots that are filtered through my microphone.

Noise Gate:
Reaper Plugin (This was said to remove keyboard noises, I'm wondering how to make my voice sound fuller now.):

This is what it sounds like with these plugins, I was wondering if there would be a way to make my voice sound a little better, it sound muffled in a sense or something's holding it back. (Doesn't sound full)

These last two links will represent my setup, where it is, and a video to describe how my setup is "set up" where it's at.

Honestly, if I'm not able to fix anything, then I could honestly keep my microphone settings like this. Hopefully my subscribers/viewers can get used to it, haha.

Thanks for all the help,