Flashing Bios to support new processor.


Oct 4, 2014
I have an Asus p8 H61-m LE/CSM trying to update the bios to install a new i5 3570k ivy. Everytime I attempt to use the Asus ez flash 2 to update to the newest bios off a usb drive i get a "image integrity check failed" error.
Usb drive is formatted to FAT32 and im running windows 7 64-bit if that matters.

What steps should a I be taking next?
was tempted to order a new Mobo but from what ive read most would have to have bios updated to support the 3570k.

Thanks in advance for any help.

okay thanks for the tip. i was assuming a usb would be better. but ill give that a try and report back.
and yes ive been extracting the file and i got it from the link for the r.3.0 version as that is the one i have. should have been more specific.
will report back soon.
okay after trying to update straight from the c: drive i get the error " selected file is not an efi bio" same file that gave the error from the usb drive. searching around the house for a second usb drive to attempt and install with. any other tips are appreciated.
Mobo was purchased after this date and has the revision. could this be the issue with my BIOS update? do the revised mobos have a different link the the asus website?

model off the label

P8H61-M LE/CSM <REV 3.0>
You may need to do earlier BIOS releases first before the latest version. Notice this one requires it be run more than once.

P8H61-M LE BIOS 3605
1.Improve system stability.
2.Improve memory compatibility.
3.Support new CPUs. Please refer to our website at: http://support.asus.com/cpusupport/cpusupport.aspx?SLanguage=en-us
* Enable support for Intel Next Gen 22nm Processor E1 stepping MP version CPU.

*Please update Bios twice when update from previous Bios version, then need CLRTC.