flat screen or not?


May 3, 2001
i am thinking about buying a new 17 or 19 inch monitor. at first i was thinking i would get it in a flat screen version but after toms reveiw(some sort of distoriton in the outer part of the screen) i am thinking maybe i should get a regular monitor. i don't really ahve that big of a problem with glare in my room right now. so which one would you guys get? all i use it for is school work and light games. so i would definetly be getting a shadow mask.

and beyond flat screen or normal screen, what monitors do you all have and how would you rate them? i'll start, i have a kds 17inch .28dpi. it was a good price and lasted a long time.

repeat after me, we are all individuals!


I just bought an Envision EN-910e 19in monitor last night at Staples. It was $209 and I got a $50 rebate too. It's not the flat screen model but it looks pretty good to me, .25mm dp, and up to 1600x1200 res. This is an upgrade from a KFC 17in that was about 4 or 5 years old.

Its better to keep ones mouth shut and let people think you are a fool - Groundhog


Feb 9, 2001
From what I have seen, the only real benefit of flat-faced monitors is some glare reduction.

In general conventional curved CRT’s tend to give sharper characters for a few reasons. They tend to have a tighter horizontal dot pitch 0.22mm, better convergence specifications and the fact that the tube is curved in two directions makes it easier to adjust focus uniformity and convergence at the factory. This is not to say every conventional monitor will provide better text, these attributes simply increase the odds of getting better text. Monitors vary model to model and lot to lot.

Jim Witkowski
Chief Hardware Engineer
Cornerstone / MOnitorsdirect.com

Jim at http://www.monitorsdirect.com


I have a Flatron 915FT+ and I can tell you there isn't any noticeable distortion at the edges of this monitor. Unfortunately the monitor my company forces me to use at work is a curved CRT. It is always a relief to get back home to my Flat monitor. Go with a good quality Flat monitor and you will not be sorry. Also don't get confused with the dot pitch numbers. The .22 horizontal Jim is talking about is roughly the same as a .25 diagonal pitch. To convert Horizontal pitch to Diagonal pitch multiply the Horizontal number by 1.1547


Feb 9, 2001
My point is that if you are comparing Shadow mask to Aperture grille, the horizontal measurment is the only apples to apples comparison. You cannot measure aperture grill in the diagonal direction, so it is useless for comparison purposes.

Jim Witkowski
Chief Hardware Engineer
Cornerstone / Monitorsdirect.com

Jim at http://www.monitorsdirect.com