Flat Temperature sensor


Oct 30, 2016
Have two flat sensors that go to digital temperature displays, want to place one on my CPU and one on my gpu, want to be able to see a temp refrence twithout running a second monitor or alt+tabbing,my question;
What is the safest place to place them for the most accurate readings;
Mobo: msi krait gaming 3x
CPU: i7-6700k
Cooler: corsair h110igtx
Gpu asus 1060 strix OC edition
Tower corsair 400c


A few years (12) ago, it wasn't uncommon to place temperature sensors between the CPU and it's heatsink in mission critical applications. If you want to get an accurate reading, use a very thin platinum RTD in this location. Just be sure to make sure your thermal paste is on both sides of the sensor, and make sure the sensor doesn't move. They used to epoxy the wire down in the situations I've seen these used.
Wow! Been a while since i seen one of those!

In the past they were pretty common. Obviously you can't put it directly on the CPU or GPU - you'd ruin the contact with the cooler.

The best you can do is find a nice place to wedge it in. You'll have to find an area with a bit of a gap and wedge it in, making as much contact with the cooler base as possible. They often have some gap/overhang and can be slid in.

Really there is no right or wrong way to do it, jsut wedge it in there.

Keep in mind this gives you little indication of die temp. Usually these kinds of thermal probes give you a better idea of "ambient" temperature.
How accurate do you think it would be to place them on the opposite side of the CPU on the mobos back side and the gpu same essential think?
Is it safe to place it on the outer edge of the CPU between the heat sink and CPU "mixed" in with the thermal paste?