FLOOME is A Pro-grade Breathalyser for Any Smartphone

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Theres no such things as "a little to much". If you even have to ask the question (or wish for a breathalyzer) don't drive. Nevermore that your BAC keeps rising after you stop drinking...
The cop who pulls you over isn't going to care what your toy said when you left, nor is the judge and jury at your manslaughter trial. Whether you're below the limit doesn't matter then. And I can guarantee this company isn't going to pay the funeral costs when it's wrong.
Don't drink and drive. Problem solved. It's even free. If you're dumb enough to do that a breathalyzer isn't going to help you


Mar 21, 2009
"Breathalyzer, btw. "
- Only in America. The rest of the English-speaking world (with the exception of many Canadians who use the incorrect Americanisations) uses the the "s" in many words, such as analyse, realise etc.


Feb 19, 2012
Now imagine having this connect to your car via bluetooth. If you aren't within legal limits for driving, the car won't start. People might say, oh well I can just have somebody else take it for me. NOPE. Have face recognition software similar to the one built into android, along with samsungs eye detection software and you'd be set. What if your friend wants to drive? Have a precertified list of people you trust to drive your car that can access your car via the same steps above. Fail proof! if you try to take too many tests in a certain time period, it automatically calls a taxi and has you sent home. LOL!


May 13, 2010
This is very cool. I was planning on getting a breathalyzer anyway so I decided to get one pending they reach their goal. I will use it both for responsible driving and competitions to see who can get the most drunk :)


May 16, 2013
"In 2011 alone, almost 12,000 people lost their lives in the US due to people driving under the influence, and that number is nothing compared to global statistics."

That is not even close to true.

12,000 people did not lose their lives DUE to people driving under the influence.

12,000 people lost their lives due to alcohol related accidents.
There is a BIG difference.

In the U.S. an alcohol related accident includes any accident where any of the following was recorded:

1. The driver of any vehicle involved in the accident had any detectable amount of alcohol in his system.(Not Just intoxicated)
2. Any passenger of any vehicle involved in the accident had any detectable amount of alcohol in his system.(Not Just intoxicated)
3. Any pedestrian injured in the accident has any detectable amount of alcohol in his system.(Not Just intoxicated)
4. Any open or sealed container of alcohol was found in any vehicle involved in the accident.

That right there covers a huge chunk of people on the road who are driving at night. Guess when most accidents occur? That's right at night.

There is no meaningful data on how many accidents are actually caused by drunk drivers, and this is by design. If the public knew how few people are actually killed because of people driving drunk, they wouldn't support the draconian laws that stifle our freedom and fill the pockets of greedy politicians and crooked police forces.

You are more likely to be killed by a deer than a drunk driver in the United States.
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