Floppy Problems; HELP

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I am having problems with my system I just built. It is a:

A7A266 Asus
1.2Ghz 266FSB
512M DDR
40G HD
Sony Floppy
Voodoo 3 3000
I am running w2k

I can not see any data on my disks. I get one of two errors:

Please insert disk into drive A:

The disk in Drive A: is not formatted
Do you wish to format: Y or N

I have replaced the floppy, ribbon cable, CPU, memory, ect...

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
When you replaced the floppy did you throw in another Sony or did you do the smart thing and try another brand as well, If not than try that, Otherwise the problem is most likely motherboard related. At no point was your CPU Or RAM at fault. Another possibility is that you are connecting the the cable in the inverted possition... (I have never encountered this cable senario so i am unsure of the error it would report.) Good luck.

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by bbourque on 10/15/01 09:16 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
I did replace it with a teac, double checked the cable, even put another floppy in. the same thing again. I did contact asus today and am waiting to here back. Any other suggestions. Open
Double check the BIOS. Should be <b>1.44</b> MB <b>3.5"</b> Floppy Drive A:

Is the BIOS enabled on Check for Floppy? Does the light go up when the floppy drive is checking?
In order to isolate the problem, don't boot into Win2000 for a while. Get a DOS or Win9X diskette (you can download from http://bootdisk.com), enable boot from floppy and tell us whether it works.

The fastest way to troubleshoot your floppy drive related hardware problem: mount your floppy drive on a proved working machine and see what happens. Then try the floppy drive from that machine on your computer and see again. Remember which cable came from every machine.

<A HREF="http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q131/6/90.ASP" target="_new">http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q131/6/90.ASP</A>

<A HREF="http://www.tufftest.com/pctbx-content-3.htm" target="_new">http://www.tufftest.com/pctbx-content-3.htm</A>

<A HREF="http://www.premiopc.com/components_floppy.html" target="_new">http://www.premiopc.com/components_floppy.html</A>

<A HREF="http://www.windsortech.com/pctbx-content-3.html" target="_new">http://www.windsortech.com/pctbx-content-3.html</A>

Tell us, how your floppy drive works on another machine.
And how your motherboard supports floppy drives from other machines. Then we'll figure out what to do next.
yep, sounds like an incorrect bios setting, if the floppy is disabled in bios it will give yout the exact problem you have.

Next time you wave - use all your fingers