Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support (
More info?)
Save As will save a txt file with leading period.
This also works, if cd to that folder.
ren New.txt .New.txt
Move works for renaming folder with a leading period.
C:\>move "%homepath%\Desktop\New Folder" "%homepath%\Desktop\.Folder"
1 file(s) moved.
I can see no practical use for naming files or folders with a leading or
trailing period.
XP has no problem with using a period in the middle of a file name, i.e.
Autoexec.nt and Config.nt .txt or a folder named Autoexec.nt and Config.nt.
I see this as a practical use.
Now I think I'll find something productive to do.
Hope this helps. Let us know.
MS-MVP Windows Shell/User
In news:ur6WYhYrFHA.464@TK2MSFTNGP15.phx.gbl,
David Candy <.> hunted and pecked:
> But that is only explorer stopping you, not windows. Use a cmd prompt or
> a File Save As dialog. Trailing needs special syntax of \\?\
> --
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> =================================================
> "Wesley Vogel" <> wrote in message
> news:Onq$cbYrFHA.3096@TK2MSFTNGP15.phx.gbl...
>> XP Pro SP1, hard drive formatted NTFS.
>> I tried to name a folder with a leading period and got this message...
>> ---------------------------
>> Rename
>> ---------------------------
>> You must type a file name.
>> ---------------------------
>> OK
>> ---------------------------
>> I got the same message trying to name a txt file with a leading period.
>> I tried to use a trailing period for a folder name and the period just
>> got deleted. I also tried it with multiple trailing periods, they just
>> got deleted.
>> File Names in Windows XP Professional
>> File Names on FAT Volumes
>> --
>> Hope this helps. Let us know.
>> Wes
>> MS-MVP Windows Shell/User
>> In news:eqFI41VrFHA.2624@TK2MSFTNGP15.phx.gbl,
>> David Candy <.> hunted and pecked:
>>> Well here is one that starts with a period. The rules MS list are for
>>> filenames that will work on any MS OS not rules that apply to only XP.
>>> So it's the lowest common denominator. I've not seen a list of legal
>>> naming for XP. Note NTFS is OS neutral - it will accept nearly
>>> anything, the rules are for what OS can read them (note NT hosts
>>> several OSs, OS/2, Unix/Posix, Dos (though Dos is a Windows program
>>> rather than a sunsystem), Win 16 (like Dos is a windows program), and
>>> Win 32. A legal name is Unix may not be legal in Windows, therefore
>>> only Unix programs can access.
>>> To remove trailing periods use the format
>>> \\?\c:\whatever
>>> \\?\ tell windows to turn off name checking.
>>> --
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> ------------------------
>>> =================================================
>>> "Carey Frisch [MVP]" <> wrote in message
>>> news:uQlv9wVrFHA.240@tk2msftngp13.phx.gbl...
>>>> A filename may not begin or end with a period. Rename your
>>>> file correctly before recording it to a CD.
>>>> Windows OS File/Folder naming rules
>>>> --
>>>> Carey Frisch
>>>> Microsoft MVP
>>>> Windows XP - Shell/User
>>>> Microsoft Newsgroups
>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> ------------------
>>>> "Garfield13" wrote:
>>>>> I used Roxio to burn a CD and it let me rename a folder on the CD to
>>>>> end with a period. However, WinXP will not access the folder.
>>>>> Does anyone know if MS has a fix for this problem or if a workaround
>>>>> exists?