Folder Renaming Always has to "Try Again"


Feb 12, 2009
Windows 7 Business x64, updates till 5/9/2010.

Every time I try to rename a folder I get the error message titled "Item not Found" and the text inside says: "Could not find this item This is no longer located in <Folder Directory>. Verify the item's location and try again."

If I click try again, (only have to once), it renames the folder, but if I click cancel, it doesn't rename the file. This wasn't a big deal until recently it has started to get annoying. Any body know what is wrong??

Here is an image of the error message

And here is a video of the error happening:

UAC is already off. An interesting factoid is that this doesn't happen when renaming individual files. Also, moving folders causes this same behavior (IE I have to click "Try again" for every folder I moved.
These people that do not read and blindly suggest things are really annoying.
I never had this problem - until a few weeks ago. Now several of my Win7 machines ALL have it.

This was caused by a MS update, and who knows when it will be fixed.

MS really needs to get their customer support act together.
My company has reported it to MS - but so far no fix.
Dont worry the problem is error 1606

try doing this:

1. Browse to the registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList
2. Right click ProfileList and choose New>Expandable String Value
3. Name the new key as Public
4. Double click on it and set the value to %SystemDrive%\Users\Public

Still dont working? try downloading this:

after you downloaded it will ask you to reboot your pc

Click Yes and thats all!

skype: xxxxramxxxx1


Hope Helpfull! :bounce: :heink: 😀
Afraid not a solution
Have tried this(both doesn't work as don't many other "solutions!"
7 May 2011 23:31:27
in his post this is happening with windows applying updates (well in my case it is as is candido08) why do I say because of update!! it happened on ALL my comps after the usual monthly update!
So again yet another Microshit problem and now 2015 and it is still happening!!

FYI I'm seeing this (W7 x64) and I have no idea. Batty problem.
Had forgot I made comment on this item...I found the solution and applied sometime ago now..It did happen again after another monthly Microshit update but as I have the very same solution as tufda1701 has link to it is just a matter of (in my case) deleting the register key (would rename reg key to old first) then just apply the new reg file. I found it works better that way as the problem is not the default settings as in the new reg file, it is something new there in old setting that's causing it, so as I say rename old reg key first, as if apply directly over existing key it doesn't wipe out the faulty value.. I think possibly Microshit may have fixed it now???? or leaving out that key in updates as it hasn't happened now for months..
tufda1701, Can you please post the link to the Microsoft page that gives the solution to this problem?

I downloaded your reg fix, and it is thousands of entries ling, I am not going to rewrite my entire registry, I would like to isolate the ONE KEY to fix.

Thanks, Mark.

This file is no longer available - were you ever able to narrow down what the exact registry edit was or the link to the forum where you found the answer?