Follow mentor or stay where I am at?


Nov 28, 2013
Hello All and Happy Thanksgiving!

So I am faced with a difficult situation: Stay at a job that is great and a company that notices me as a rising developer, or follow my mentor to a new job?

Is it better to be a big fish in a small pond? Or a little fish in an ocean?

The company that I am working for has a small developer shop in my area but is part of a +130,000 employee company. The area where I live is not known as a "tech" culture and talent is a little hard to find. I am an entry level employee (less than 10 months out of college), but have received a promotion at 7 months and another raise (+19%) at 9 months. They see me as a rising star in the company. But....

My team lead/mentor is well known in this area. Everyone that I talk to and tell them that I work with this guy tells me that I am beyond lucky to learn from him. I could not agree more, This guy is good, he is so well rounded, and has been doing development for over 17 years. The new job that he has taken has given him the opportunity to select his own development team. He has already told me that if I want on the team, I have a job.

I live in a small beautiful town and cost of living is extremely low. New job would be in a large not so safe city and rent would be +$250 more expensive. I am still entry level, so I still receive entry level pay. New job is public and stable, current job is contracting and year to year.

With the understanding that I am still early in my career, what would you do? I am single and not tied to anything, so moving would not be difficult.



Feb 23, 2008
What you need to decide on is your comfortable place right now going to be the same with a new boss? Also, is a more stable job and having a boss you respect worth $250 a month? A good mentor can make an average person in to a great person. From my experience it's a invaluable experience to have that. I had the same dilemma 12 years ago with my profession. I chose to move and never regretted it. You're still young and single so now is the time to take a chance. If the company you're at right now has 130k employees my guess is that if worse comes to worse you'd be able to find a way back on.