For the Jurors: The Apple vs. Samsung Verdict-O-Matic

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"with Apple and Samsung millions of dollars in the gutter."

Let's face it, Apple and Samsung do not pay that tab, You and I do when we buy their products!
It's an Ego Fest of lawyers at the consumer's expense.
[citation][nom]getreal[/nom]SamSuck guilty on all accounts, plus one count of douchebaggery. Seriously, stealing from business partners that trust you is as low as it gets.Samsuck lawyers bungled this one. They spent all their time questioning Apple's witnesses, because Samsuck HAD NO CASE. Plus, much like Samsuck itself, its lawyers need Apple to do everything first. Even the lawyers copy Apple! LOL! Good guys always prevail. Go Apple Good Guys!This one is as open and shut as it gets. Apple wins. Flawless victory. FATALITY.[/citation]
I really cannot wait until we have a verdict so we don't have to listen to fanboys like you anymore on this matter. Unless you are ready to tell the world that the jury is all idiots and Apple is infallible

Note that my comment holds true regardless of who they find in favor of, I just want the internet douchebaggery to end (at least on this - I know it will never be completely gone)
"SamSuck guilty on all accounts, plus one count of douchebaggery. Seriously, stealing from business partners that trust you is as low as it gets.

Samsuck lawyers bungled this one. They spent all their time questioning Apple's witnesses, because Samsuck HAD NO CASE. Plus, much like Samsuck itself, its lawyers need Apple to do everything first. Even the lawyers copy Apple! LOL! Good guys always prevail. Go Apple Good Guys!

This one is as open and shut as it gets. Apple wins. Flawless victory. FATALITY."


Go troll somewhere else cuz I get the feeling your not very smart
This case has been one big headache! I just wish that it ends now so that both companies focus on making efficient, useful, compact and CHEAP electronics devices. As an electronics engineer I am very disappointed (to say the least) of the stunts that both companies (especially Apple) pulled during this intellectual property beef. Personally, I am routing for Samsung because Apple's "master-minds" behaved like complete douche bags.
getreal, I disagree with your opinion. I think you're a full on fanboy, and that it's not your fault that you are, you're just uneducated.

I really dislike the samsung picture that everyone is continuously using to compare the galaxy s 2 to the iphone. It is convoluted and misguiding as the s 2 is significantly larger than the iphone, and the screen that is being shown in the picture is the application page, and not 'home' like that that is being shown on the iphone.
Really is an open and shut case for Apple. They had Samsung lawyers looking stupid. There are allegations of Samsung destroying evidence, Samsung leaked stuff to the media, ran out of time, made mistakes that allowed Apple to submit more stuff into evidence, etc.

I don't know that Apple wins the full amount, but it is definitely looking bad for Samesung. And their counter suit was weak at best. Showing a projector screen with touch capabilities is not the same as the implementation into a phone, plus the witness even admitted some of the features shown were "added later".

WAY too many inconsistencies with Samesung here, whereas Apple at least behaved like professionals. Oh, and the Korean design lady lying under oath was cute, too.
I am so sick of Apple. Look at the ridiculous news article below. Apple is claiming that Google copied Siri now, even though Apple bought Siri in 2010 and released a year ago, when google search has been around since the beginning.
[citation][nom]subaru41[/nom]I am so sick of Apple. Look at the ridiculous news article below. Apple is claiming that Google copied Siri now, even though Apple bought Siri in 2010 and released a year ago, when google search has been around since the beginning. [...] of-iphone/[/citation]

beginning of time? lmao
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