I'd like to consider myself in the mainstream hdtv market since I've been following it's progress with mild intrest for years. Meaning I'm not a hardcore early adopter or anything but I know in a pinch I could do a little more research and swing with the best of them. As I see it the main problem with all these tuner cards (analog included) is the same reason my avermedia tuner card goes virtually unused, Content. With the unexpected demise of Futurama and even more increasing number of the shows I watch are only available to me through cable or satellite. Which means in most locations in the US you need a seperate box to decode the signal before it's sent to the reciever. This is all fine and dandy except that this box must also control the channel. This extreemely limits the usability of any computer tuner product(my titantv profile is absolutely useless) and renders it another piece of clutter between what you want to watch and how you want to watch it. Until the cable and satellite companies relinquish control of the channels these products will remain idle tinkerings for the few(comparitively I know their are a lot of you guys) true enthusiasts.