Forbid to "change date and time"

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May 21, 2014
Im looking for a free software, who could:

Limit download speed (kbs).
( MOST IMPORTANT) No permission to change computer date/time/time zone. Even for administrator.
Even administrator have no access to control panel.
Being stealthy (invisible) and uses password protection.
You can set group policy to deny access to even the administrator accounts but then you have effectively locked out yourself of any changes you ever want to do, so that is a bad idea. Like going into a room then bricking it up so people can't get to you. Sure you are safe, till you run out of air and food and die.

Do as above, setup security based on users, don't make users local administrators except those that need it.
You can set group policy to deny access to even the administrator accounts but then you have effectively locked out yourself of any changes you ever want to do, so that is a bad idea. Like going into a room then bricking it up so people can't get to you. Sure you are safe, till you run out of air and food and die.

Do as above, setup security based on users, don't make users local administrators except those that need it.
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