force feedback wheel question


Sep 29, 2007
Im using a 10 year old Microsoft Sidewinder FF wheel. Im certain that it should feel more realistic, as opposed to intermitent snapping of the wheel on a straight, or not catching the feeling of the rear end kicking out in a corner....
Should I find its drivers and delete them, is there a way to 'reset' the wheels' feel from when it was new?
I play the SinBin games mostly. Running Windows Vista Home SP2, Quad core 2.40 Gig, 64 bit op system, Nvidia GTX 460
Thank you for any help or suggestions!
Have a great day!!
Tom W.
just played Live For Speed (2), and the Race Room Experience from Sim Bin, and the wheel worked great...Im wondering if over the years, with add on cars and tracks, GTR2 got a file that was changed or corrupted that has to do with controls....
Its the game, not the wheel, it appears...
Completely erase GTR2 and start clean?? Any ideas?
Thank you!

Tom W.