When testing my first build, I forgot to connect the CPU fan to my motherboard. My pc overheated and then I realized and connected it right away. It works now but did I fry my CPU or my motherboard at all?
When testing my first build, I forgot to connect the CPU fan to my motherboard. My pc overheated and then I realized and connected it right away. It works now but did I fry my CPU or my motherboard at all?
Thanks for your reply! I forgot to mention that in using an APU would this hinder the performance of it at all?
You should be fine. Only way to tell is to crank it up and see.
Thanks, I'm only getting 20 fps in minecraft when I should be getting around 70 or more, it's probably because I didn't install the drivers yet but when I do, Ubuntu won't let me reboot so I'm going out to get windows today, would this fix my problem?