Question Formatting a Seagate Backup Plus portable drive

Mar 10, 2024
I have a 1.5TB Seagate BackUp portable drive I've used for several years. After a while of not using it I need to backup my D drive, which has about 750 GB of data. Windows says I have 660 GB free. However, when I try to backup Seagate Tools says there's not enough room. So I'd like to erase the drive and start again. How do I do that so I can keep using Toolkit? (In other words, if I formate the drive can I still use Toolkit for backups?
Yes, Toolkit is the Seagage backup software.
I wasn't sure if I could safely delete the backed up data. However I just hunted around the app and there is an option to delete the current backup plan, and within that a checkbox to delete backed up data. Doing that emptied the drive. Thanks for helping me.