Former Microsoft Executive Charged with Insider Trading

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Good. There's rampant insider trading. Unfortunately there isn't enough resources to go after the bulk of them so they focus on major cases like this one. Too bad they don't stop the nonsensical "War on Drugs" and instead of wasting time and resources arresting, prosecuting and incarcerating possession and minor trafficking charges and use it to cull the massive illegal trading on Wall Street.
Good, financial cheaters should be prosecuted. The thing that burns me up is that the cost to try them will most likely be far more than the $393k that they pilfered.

Then you have the prolific psychopaths on Wall Street that nearly imploded our entire economy and got out of it by essentially holding a gun to the head of pensioners everywhere. There has not been ONE SINGLE prosecution of a hedge fund manager or Goldman executive. NOT ONE. All of these criminal psychopaths are still free and running the same scams at the expense of the 99.9% because they own the government. They gave themselves $billions in bonuses after running the most reckless ponzi scheme in history and then "saving the firm" by forcing the bailouts at the expense of us, our children and probably a generation or two beyond that.

"Regulatory capture" does not even begin to describe the sad state of our government and the banking nexus that operates it as it sees fit. A lot of people don't really understand the level of corruption and greed that led up to the 2008 crash, and that are still operating now (with even LESS regulation). Check out Griftopia by Matt Taibbi. It's like something I would expect from Hunter S. Thompson if he covered the financial crisis, so it is pretty entertaining while also horribly depressing.
@ Wemakeourfuture - Good insider traders are much better at hiding their trails than this Jorgenson n' buddy coalition. Funny how the basic criminal code is broken by most people (blue or white collar), Never repeat the same crime over and over to create a pattern. Heh...
But crack is bad. Stealing fake money is still just fake money. I mean fiat currency.

Yes I'm kidding. I'm with the poster above. Dissolve the DEA and pour all that into SEC.
I do agree with the guys about the picture. You gotta find a new hamburgler pic or something else totally. This pic in no way even matches up to how funny that fat guy pic looks like in the "google makes it hard to find boobs" story.
You don't need to be a insider trader to know that after Windows 8 Microsoft shares are going down!

MSFT current share price are higher than before Windows 8 and during the debacle . They're at 5 year highs. I did happen to sell mine before the windows 8 drop, in anticipation of a fall, made a nice profit off MSFT. Price is too high to get back in, better stocks to buy.

They're shares already have baked in a fall of Windows 8, that's old news for investors.
so someone who worked for microsoft. decided to invest in the company he works for, because he had the ability to see what microsoft were doing in the future? That gets you in trouble? Far out them im guilty as I do research like that and then make informed decisions. was he supposed to bet against the company he works for?
I find all the "good" comments amusing. What is so bad about insider trading? What negative impacts does it have?

It might, maybe, possibly, slightly destabilize the markets? So what if it did. Less stability means higher risk with the same return, which means less investment in public companies. The stock market does more harm than good. Public companies don't care about anything long term. The big public corporations like Microsoft don't create they buy and resell. A middleman that takes but adds little.

Maybe people don't like the whole "unfairness" of the process. Insider trading, which can only be done by priveledged insiders. Bah. Be suspicious of class warfare tactics. They're designed to provoke an emotional response, not a logical one.

Then there are those that feel it is good that someone breaking the law gets caught, no matter what the law is. If it is illegal they shouldn't be doing it... Well those people don't understand why we have laws.
so someone who worked for microsoft. decided to invest in the company he works for, because he had the ability to see what microsoft were doing in the future? That gets you in trouble? Far out them im guilty as I do research like that and then make informed decisions. was he supposed to bet against the company he works for?

I think you first need to understand what insider trading is. Then see what allegations have been made then connect the dots and see if the charges were suitable. From your response you seem to not understand why the charges were laid.

Inside trading is toxic to an open and fully working market system.
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