Was this something related to translation?
Maybe a cat walked across the keyboard?
Or AI having a stroke while writing the article.
Yeah, that wouldn't surprise me, and might also explain why $9,000 + $9,100 only amounts to "over $1,800", as AI chatbots still don't tend to be all that reliable with numbers. And if this article was written by an actual human, then I wouldn't be surprised if AI could have done better. If writers are concerned about AI putting them out of work, then I kind of think some of them might need to put in a little more effort to justify their position. Really though, articles like this are little more than rehashed content quickly slapped together based on news reported at other sites, with pretty much no creativity put in by the writer, so the writing process for something like this isn't that different whether it's been done by a human or AI.
However it was written, apparently no effort was put into proofreading either, as simply reading over the final article once when posting it should have caught that random mash of letters in the middle of a word. And no corrections have been made nearly two weeks after the article was first published, despite these obvious errors getting pointed out in the comments.