Formula X showing no QR CODE


Oct 22, 2017
Hi all, before making you read 2-3 paragraph. Please note that there was a leaked and distilled water burst out spraying at my motherboard, Asus Formula X.

EDIT : I waited 3 full days waiting for the board to dry in my room.

EDIT 2 : I forgot to mention that when I put a bridge on my 24 pin cable along with the d5 pump molex, the pump runs fine.

So today, I got my loop all set up and done. And when I try it boot it up, my motherboard didn’t show a QR code. It didn’t even boot up at all. So I was just sitting there, turning the psu off and on, re-powering the board by pressing the start button on it (I remove the front panel connectors from my O11 dynamic due to some mounting issue i ran into along with some cable management look).

2 hours went by and I thought to myself what could I have done wrong, I made some custom cables (gpu/cpu/sata/molex) for my psu (evga g2 1000w)
And I’m 200000000% I got all my wiring correct because I copy the same pinout that Ensourced (Joey) used for my cables when I order from him.

If anyone could help, that would be a relief for me.

Question from winteragera : "Formula X Showing no QR code (Sorry repost)"

Hi all, before making you read 2-3 paragraph. Please note that there was a leaked and distilled water burst out spraying at my motherboard, Asus Formula X.

I waited 3 full days waiting for the board to dry in my room. It's weird because when I put a bridge/jumper on my 24 pin cable along with the d5 pump molex, the pump runs fine

So yesterday I got my loop all set up and done. And when I try to boot it up, the board didn't show a QR code. It didn't even boot up at all. So I was just sitting there, turning the psu off and on, re-powering the board by pressing the start button on the board near the 24 pin plug in. (I remove the front panel connectors from the o11 dynamic due to some mounting issue I ran into along with some cables management look).

2 hours went by and I thought to myself what could I have done wrong, I made some custom cables (gpu/cpu/sata/molex) for my psu (Evga g2 1000w)
And I'm 2000000000% I got all my pinout correct because I copy them from Joey (Owner of Ensourced custom cables) And his cables works before and still probably does but my motherboard isn't responding.

EDIT : Sorry I posted this twice, if an admin could remove this. Please do so, I'm sorry