Question Fortnite Crashing For MONTHS


May 2, 2018
Hey guys! This is my first ever Forums post, so this should show just how desperate I am lol.

I've been playing fortnite since season 3 and over the past 6-8 months, my game has been crashing like crazy (especially recently). I've watched countless youtube videos, uninstalled, reinstalled, and everything else I can think of, so now I am here. The last thing I haven't done is factory reset my PC but I really don't want to do that because I have lots of important files I need to keep.

Anyway, I'm not entirely sure what to post here other than my latest crash report because I don't know what it means and couldn't find anything online to help me.

I know its a bit sketchy but here is a link to my latest crash files. If you dont want to click on it I posted the last few lines of one of the files that I thought might be of value below.

These were the last few lines from the crash log:

[2020.07.02-02.18.44:888][556]LogPakFile: Warning: Pak chunk signing mismatch on chunk [290/65632]! Expected C3AA28EE, Received F54377C0

[2020.07.02-02.18.44:888][556]LogPakFile: Warning: Master signature table has changed since initialization!

[2020.07.02-02.18.44:889][556]LogPakFile: Warning: Pak chunk signing mismatch on chunk [93/65632]! Expected 0DAE90D0, Received 0BC9D0F8

[2020.07.02-02.18.44:889][556]LogPakFile: Warning: Master signature table has changed since initialization!

[2020.07.02-02.18.44:889][556]LogLinker: Warning: The file '../../../FortniteGame/Content/Characters/Player/Male/Medium/Bodies/M_Med_Soldier_04/Skins/M_MED_Yellow_Camo/Meshes/Parts/M_MED_Yellow_Camo_LAT_FaceAcc.uasset' contains unrecognizable data, check that it is of the expected type.

[2020.07.02-02.18.44:893][557]LogPakFile: Warning: Pak chunk signing mismatch on chunk [92/65632]! Expected D93B1B56, Received 51A57CD5

[2020.07.02-02.18.44:893][557]LogPakFile: Warning: Master signature table has changed since initialization!

[2020.07.02-02.18.44:893][557]LogLinker: Warning: The file '../../../FortniteGame/Content/Characters/Player/Male/Medium/Bodies/M_Med_Soldier_04/Skins/M_MED_Yellow_Camo/Materials/M_Med_Soldier_YellowCamo.uasset' contains unrecognizable data, check that it is of the expected type.

[2020.07.02-02.18.44:893][557]LogLinker: Warning: The file '../../../FortniteGame/Content/Characters/Player/Male/Medium/Heads/M_MED_Masked_Warrior_Head_01/Meshes/Male_Medium_Masked_Warrior_Head_AnimBP_Child.uasset' contains unrecognizable data, check that it is of the expected type.

[2020.07.02-02.18.44:893][557]LogLinker: Warning: The file '../../../FortniteGame/Content/Characters/Player/Male/Medium/Heads/M_MED_Masked_Warrior_Head_01/Meshes/Male_Medium_Masked_Warrior_Head.uasset' contains unrecognizable data, check that it is of the expected type.

[2020.07.02-02.18.44:903][558]LogFort: Display: [FortCustomizationAssetLoader CP_Athena_Head_M_YellowCamoD] Finished loading. 13 assets loaded.

[2020.07.02-02.18.44:906][559]LogFort: Warning: [LoadIssue] Synchronously loading file on client while match is in progress and loading screen is not shown: /Game/Characters/Player/Male/Medium/Heads/M_MED_Masked_Warrior_Head_01/Meshes/Male_Medium_Masked_Warrior_Head

[2020.07.02-02.18.44:906][559]LogStreaming: Display: FlushAsyncLoading: 1 QueuedPackages, 0 AsyncPackages

[2020.07.02-02.18.44:909][559]LogPakFile: Warning: Pak chunk signing mismatch on chunk [290/65632]! Expected C3AA28EE, Received 200FC87E

[2020.07.02-02.18.44:909][559]LogPakFile: Warning: Master signature table has changed since initialization!

[2020.07.02-02.18.44:909][559]LogPakFile: Warning: Pak chunk signing mismatch on chunk [59762/65632]! Expected 7CD6D4A0, Received 0714A28F

[2020.07.02-02.18.44:909][559]LogPakFile: Warning: Master signature table has changed since initialization!

[2020.07.02-02.18.44:909][559]LogLinker: Error: Bad name index -1465210198/27

[2020.07.02-02.18.44:909][559]LogWindows: Windows GetLastError: The operation completed successfully. (0)

In case it matters, PC specs:

GPU: GeForce RTX 2080 ti

CPU: i9-9900K 3.6GHz

Ram: 32 GB

Thank you to anyone who leaves suggestions, even if they dont help, I really appreciate it :)
I've been having the same problem. I tried everything on epics website and then contacted them directly. We were emailing back and forth for over month and they finally said there's nothing myself or they can do to fix it and I'll have to wait for an update. If you found a solution to this I would love to know what it is!