So im playing fortnite on low settings 1600x900 and im having fps problems.
My specs:
Gpu - Amd nitro rx 580 blue edition 8gb
Cpu - Amd fx 9590 4 GHZ 8 cores
RAM - Kingston 2x 4gb
SSD - Hyper x 250 gb
MBO - I forgot which one it is but i.know its quite good
I had nvidia gtx 560 and got up to 90 fps then i upgraded to nitro rx and i had 120 consistent and suddenly it droped to 100 110 with lots of sttuter. I know 100 fps is good but it feels like im playing on 30 or 40 fps ..Does anyone has the fix for it or it cant be fixed .. Coz i think with this specs i should have around 140 fps solid..
My specs:
Gpu - Amd nitro rx 580 blue edition 8gb
Cpu - Amd fx 9590 4 GHZ 8 cores
RAM - Kingston 2x 4gb
SSD - Hyper x 250 gb
MBO - I forgot which one it is but i.know its quite good
I had nvidia gtx 560 and got up to 90 fps then i upgraded to nitro rx and i had 120 consistent and suddenly it droped to 100 110 with lots of sttuter. I know 100 fps is good but it feels like im playing on 30 or 40 fps ..Does anyone has the fix for it or it cant be fixed .. Coz i think with this specs i should have around 140 fps solid..