forum bugs galore... oh my!


i have been dealing with quite a few bugs lately...

-the my forum categories quick dropdowns tend to glpyh to a different language or symbol.
-the same happens to the controls at the bottom of posts
-the moderator star minimizes
-the email icon below usernames turns to a zero

of other note:
-i've been getting zero size object and 404 errors more often lately.

i'm using chrome.
I do believe this has to do with your recent adoption into the league of Moderators. I've seen this happen as well recently, though I've been told it is a load balancing matter and only short-lived. I'll re-report this Monday morning to the devs. Your experience indicates it isn't just me grumbling.
Here are two of the fonts used here.


Translation: Look at my font. Isn't it awesome? I really like typing in this font because I never really know what is going to show up. This is especially true if I use non-alpha-numeric characters like !@#$%^&*()-=\_+|[]{};':",.
I didn't. The fonts are aliased in the stylesheet and assigned to page elements using the "font-family" property. I simply used Firebug to set the font-family of a particular div to "icons-webfont" and "logos-webfont" (those values I found by examining some other page elements, including the main logo) and then just typed out the text above inside that element. The actual font files can be found if you go looking through the stylesheet but that wasn't necessary for what I was doing.
😀 my webscripting days are over
i knew some decent html and perhaps a little bit of css but thats as far as i went.

the scripting sites use now just boggles my mind (i never was one for reading lines of code)

if those are the same fonts used in the logo they might come in handy (such as when making some tomshardware wallpapers and the like.
I do believe this has to do with your recent adoption into the league of Moderators. I've seen this happen as well recently, though I've been told it is a load balancing matter and only short-lived. I'll re-report this Monday morning to the devs. Your experience indicates it isn't just me grumbling.