R Rahul_159 Prominent May 4, 2017 1 0 510 May 4, 2017 #1 Can I run Forza horizon 3 on a pc with i5, 4gb of ram, and 2gb of GPU?
C Carnaxus Reputable Apr 18, 2017 1,431 3 5,665 May 5, 2017 #2 Maybe. We need more specifics, like which i5, and which GPU exactly. 2GB is just how much VRAM your GPU has; we need to know if it's a GT 750 or a Titan Xp, etc. Upvote 0 Downvote
Maybe. We need more specifics, like which i5, and which GPU exactly. 2GB is just how much VRAM your GPU has; we need to know if it's a GT 750 or a Titan Xp, etc.