Question Foxtech USB Wireless Adapter Problems (USB 2.0 in USB 2.0, says in USB 3.0???)


Jan 14, 2017
Made a video about it so it should be easier to explain.

Foktech Wifi Dongle, AC600 802.11ac Dual Band 5GHz Mini Wireless Network USB Wifi Adapter
ASUS B350-F Motherboard

If The adapter disconnects it could be power saving for the USB check device manager. Link how to shut it off.

From looking at the device manager on the video it shows only USB3.0, 3.1. But most USB 2.0 devices are compatible with USB3.0+. If your motherboard manual stats it has USB2.0, not 3.0 that is a driver issue.

The microphone its not the volume for the mic on the video you always did the volume for the microphone. Below that is microphone boost move that up slowly and test. In windows 10 the last build this was an issue for some users.
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