FPS Drop GTX 970


Dec 16, 2014
I have a FX 9370 and a GTX 970 and I've been getting fps stutters in games like league of legends and heros of the storm. This is where I purchased my 970; http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127833

Usage of the card is usually around 30% and temps around 40c. I've assumed that the culprit was the processor since it's 70c playing league of legends so I chose to upgrade to an i5 4690k. But I've had second thoughts after reading the reviews of my card on newegg, again here's where I bought it; http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127833
I'm happy with what I have and it looks good so I would suggest it. The motherboard also has good audio if you connect your headset to the front ports. It's a big reason why I chose that motherboard

Here is a Skylake version from it:

This is what I'd suggest for Haswell:

The EVGA 650VQ is good enough to handle any single GPU on the market, hence why I'd take that over the EVGA 550w G2 as It's also similarly excellent in build quality, if not better. I took 600w+ to make sure I can run any single GPU. Also, as you can see I chose the H97 Killer for the Haswell list as It's basically the same specs with 1 or 2 changes/improvements and is really low priced right now...

It's water cooled with a radiator attached to the top of my tower. So I doubt that cooling is the issue, I'm pretty unsatisfied with AMD temps so I'm just going to switch to intel.

You really need a high quality mobo with ideal VRM cooling with an FX-9370. Otherwise It's going to run hot easily.

A tip is to not read reviews especially on Newegg, because thousands of people with a working card tend to not place a review compared to people with a malfunctioning card. Every review on Newegg is always mixed.

Yeah, still need better cooling though. You need to bring it down to 61c max temp.

Try moving the rad to a better position. As it is now it is sucking all the internal heat through the rad. Try putting it on the front pulling cool air in through it. Also what water cooling solution did you go with? Custom, AIO?

That actually makes a ton of sense, I didn't look at it that way. That makes me feel a lot better about the poor reviews, anyways something a bit off topic here, I took an interest in your build (if the specs by your name is what that is), mine is extremely close to that and I was wondering if you could help me out with that. These are the parts I'm looking to upgrade; http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Kaelras/saved/CgjTwP

The only thing I'm looking to change is the motherboard as sli support doesn't particularly interest me, nor will I ever run sli. I changed my CPU from the K version to the non-K version to save a bit of money since I'm not overclocking.


AIO cooler, I've really just given up on the this AMD build, as it was built when I was strapped for money. My plan is to upgrade parts to these http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Kaelras/saved/CgjTwP

I'm happy with what I have and it looks good so I would suggest it. The motherboard also has good audio if you connect your headset to the front ports. It's a big reason why I chose that motherboard

Here is a Skylake version from it:

This is what I'd suggest for Haswell:

The EVGA 650VQ is good enough to handle any single GPU on the market, hence why I'd take that over the EVGA 550w G2 as It's also similarly excellent in build quality, if not better. I took 600w+ to make sure I can run any single GPU. Also, as you can see I chose the H97 Killer for the Haswell list as It's basically the same specs with 1 or 2 changes/improvements and is really low priced right now.

Something worthy to note is that you'd be able to overclock i5-4690k + H97 Killer. If I were you I would take that into your build just so overclocking might come in very handy in the future. As you can see It's only 5 dollars more:

Is the skylake version better than the i5 4960? It's newer but 3.2 ghz opposed to 3.5, if it's more efficient I'll get it.