Sep 23, 2018
Any games will suddenly drop fps i dont know if it is the heat or bottleneck? HELP please. 🙁

OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
Proc: AMD A6-6400K APU with Radeon HD Graphics 3.90 GHz
Mobo: Colorful Yu Gong Technology And Development Co.LTD C.A68HM-K PLUS (P0)
Ram: 4.00GB Single-Channel DDR3 @ 800MHz
Vcard: 1024MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti (ZOTAC International)
Storage: 465GB Seagate ST3500414CS ATA Device (SATA )
PSU: (generic PSU) Neutron Electron 700W
Probabl your old card. I have a 460, a 550 Ti, and a 560 2gb and the both x60 cards are better than the 550 Ti.

Just get a new card, the 560 2GB ca be found for like 40 bucks on ebay. That's where I got mine,

or is it the psu? i got a generic psu and it dont have any 6 pin so I bought a connector molex to 6 pin.

Yeah, don't use molex-to-anything. Don't cheap out on power supplies, that's how fires start.

Get a better power supply and a better graphics card. The 650 Ti 2gb is also only around $40.



Thanks man I buy a true rated PSU now with 6 pins and I think it will solve my problem and also i saw the connector that I buy it has a minimal burn in the wires so I immedietly remove it and luckily my pc is running I'll just wait the PSU to arrive. thanks ^^
Check your HDD speed with CrystalDiskMark software and set it to 1GB.
If the PSU problem didn't solve your problem its either your Single Channel Ram or your CPU which has very low multi score.
What games are you playing, and at which graphics, resolution settings are they at?

League of Legends, God eater rage burst, Rules of survival, Special Force, Paladins.
Thanks Sir I'll try it after I install my new PSU. I'll update when it is done. thanks! ^^

It seems that his PSU was the problem, card wasn't getting enough amps.

So I bought a PSU true rated with 6 pins well the fps stills drop but it is better than the last PSU i used. I'll try it to other games and update here. thanks guys.


Ok keep us updated :)

the 550Ti is a really old card, I have one, as well as some other Fermi cards and the 550 Ti is the weakest. Don't let the "ti" badge fool you, that's like putting a turbo sticker on a Fiat Panda.

yeah I thought it too but is it the a6 6400K is the one the making it low it too? and the motherboard?

nah the A4 6400K is pretty alright, same-ish performance as a low end first gen i5, or Core 2 Duo E8400.

Your computer is pretty weak overall, I'd recommend getting something new.

Yeah, that Neutron PSU is definitely not 700w. probably 285W.

Do you just not have any money?

thanks sir I'll try to upgrade it ^_^