FPS drop suddenly !?!?


May 2, 2017
Hello I have some questions to ask about a problem i have for 2 weeks now!

I have a PC
Intel Core i7-6700K 4.00
RAM Memory 16 GB DDR4
2000 GB & 500 GB
nVidia GeForce GTX 1080 8 GB
Windows 10
Coolermaster nepton 240mm
Samsung Monitor 28" 4K

Before one month i was playing a specific game (dota 2) with all graphics at ultra+HIGH etc in 4k (3840-2160) at 220-240 fps non drop no matter what is going on in game!
Suddenly it drop at 70-120 unstable in game durring fights spells etc!
tried everything
Redusing ultra settings no fps boost
redusing to 1080 > more fps drop
set everything to low get 50-60 fps
I have removed xbox from my pc
Can anyone help me to solve this problem?
What are your temps ? I notice alot of people dont use a custom fan curve for the gpu so the vieocard goes right up to 70+. To be honest it drives me nuts when i see this not to say this is the issue but. Are you streaming ? Are you using anything to monitor gpu cpu usage ? Are you running any programs in the back ground ? Xbox is not the issue .
What are your temps ? I notice alot of people dont use a custom fan curve for the gpu so the vieocard goes right up to 70+. To be honest it drives me nuts when i see this not to say this is the issue but. Are you streaming ? Are you using anything to monitor gpu cpu usage ? Are you running any programs in the back ground ? Xbox is not the issue .
Try playing around with your V Sync settings in Dota. I recently had huge FPS issues with Dota, especially during team fights with lots of particle effects flying around. The issue turned out to be the in-game V Sync and the in-game FPS capper conflicting. Make sure those two options are working in unison, also enable the 'Unit query overrides hero control console' box in the options tab. The HUD that appears when you click on a hero, creep or building can TANK FPS for some reason. It puts it back to the old HUD where their information appears where yours is, if that makes sense.
my temps are 40-50 on my GPS
AND 30-40 on CPU
i m not streaming because my internet provider sucks! I m playing like 80-150 Ping whole game!
I ll try to do the Unite query and the vsync and let you know!

Any luck?