FPS Drops (GPU usage falling from %99 to %0-30)


Nov 1, 2014
Windows 10
M4N68T-M v2
x4 965 3,4 GHz.
GTX 650
250 GB HDD

While i play game my GPU usage falling from %99 to %0-30. No difference between 800x600 and 1920x1080 resolutions. RAM usage normal, CPU usage ~85 (sometimes falls ~20 but i think it's wrong cuz no difference in game) I'm playing Dark Souls 3 and i know this specs not good for this game. But i saw youtube videos, with same specs can be played stable 30 fps. What should i do?

edit: GPU temp: 50-52~ C
CPU temps: 59-60 C

What CPU and PSU do you have? if the CPU is bottlenecking your GPU this one won't always get used at its max potential.

If your PSU is unable to deliver enough power to your video card in a stable way, your GPU will also drop its usage due to lack of power.

I have Cooler Master 212 EVO , And no overclock, everything is on auto. I'll try re-processor paste and re-build cooler. Maybe i can lower the heat. But i was thinking problem GPU because GPU usage dropping. CPU usage looks normal.

I have 450W PSU. I think not a really good one. Probably average brand. CPU is X4 965 and Cooler Master 212 EVO. How can i know if my CPU bottlenecking? CPU is not %100 most of time. Usually %85, sometimes i see %20-30 but i think it's wrong because no difference in game.


Sorry for late answer. I have been trying to fix. First i cleaned all dust, fans and re-applied processor paste. CPU temp is 56-57 now.( difference 2-3 degree). No difference in game, still fps drops.(because GPU usage falling %0-30) Then i disabled Q-Fan and Cool and Quiet. Almost fixed. Most of the time i can play +30 fps. But not fixed totally. Still dropping fps (GPU usage) every 15-20 seconds. (before disabling cool and quiet it was every 5 secs). I am monitoring FPS and other things via MSI afterburner. Any advice? It's kinda playable now but still annoying.
After looking at the system requirements DS3 asks for a 750ti at a minimum (and a faster processor), your GPU is running at 100% all the time, except when it stutters. Even though your CPU isn't running at 100% the GPU is and the CPU is waiting for the GPU to catch up which is why the useage is dropping. IMO its more of a bug in the system performance graphs. MSI afterburners performance charts should show this a bit better.

I understand the situation and i know my specs not enough for offical minimum DS3 specs. But i see videos on youtube and forums with my specs and they can play +30 fps stable. So i thought my problem can be fixed.
example: https://youtu.be/bsxEVkUmDwA same GPU and CPU.


True, it's looks like only difference is RAM. But you can see my RAM usage ~3700. It's not reach to ~4000. RAM can be the problem even it's not reach ~4000 ?


Where are you seeing that in game? Windows uses RAM as well, also any programs in the background. the pagefile and ram are generally used interchangeably. I would suspect being all else equal and considering the performance this is likely your issue.

At buttom line you can see RAMusage on youtube videos that i send. Thank you for replies. I guess i have nothing to do.


No, it's total ram usage. Total ram never reaches +3900. Good news: I disabled MSI afterburner and i played 5-6 mins perfectly. Really perfectly, no drops, flawless, smooth, stable min 30 fps. Bad news: Then i died, and fps drops again with same scenes. It's really annoying. I can't find why my gpu drops to %0. If my gpu or cpu bottlenecking, how i played flawless? idk.


Hard to test. Thats a junk PSU so if I had to point to something maybe flaking out at full power its possible the GPU is voltage throttling.

Also I just realized your hard drive is only 250GB? How much free space do you have?