Fps drops in basically every modern game even though my hardware is supposably very strong [fixed]


Apr 12, 2017
My computers hardware is pretty strong, i got 16 ram, gtx 1070ti and an intel i7 7700k processor. and yet every game i play has fps drops no matter the graphics i put the game on. it could be on high or even on low as long as its inside a city like in ac origins which i run on smooth 60fps until i enter my first city and the fps drops to 45-50,the same thing happens in the new tomb raider. it could also happen while there are explosions in games such as in far cry 5 or just cause 3 which i my computers runs well until theres an explosion and then the fps can drop to 55. its importent to note that all my drivers are updated, this is a problem im having for a while and i tried at least 50 solutions and nothing worked so im pretty desperate after all i spent alot of money on my pc and i want it to work as it should. at this point if somebody atleast tells me what component is the problomatic one that i should replace i would consider it a fix.
cpu and gpu usage and temp during games:
when im ingame in an area that i can run on 60 fps such as a jungle in shadow of the tomb raider
gpu usage is 56% temp is 58 degrees
cpu usage is 47% temp is 64 degrees
when in game in an area that i get heavy fps drops such as the city in shadow of the tomb raider
gpu usage is 90% temp is 65 degrees
cpu usage is 92% temp is 61 degrees

its also importent to note that i tried to put the AA on off and the fps drops happend all the same.
if anybody has any sort of fix for me i will be graitful this is a problem thats been keeping up at nights for a long time, thanks.
When you say strong, we walk into a thread with only your processor and your GPU. We'll need to know what your specs are like so:
Monitor and resolution:

What are the 50 solutions you've tried, so as to not repeat what you've done already.
As said include complete list of specs. You did mention ram but do elaborate ram configuration.

Include as well applications that may be used such as GeForce Experience, Discord, Gamebar etc

I agree, mention the things you have done. Like reinstall Windows, used DDU to uninstall drivers.

Also have you set power plans to favour performance?

Be good to know first off what you have done in detail.

CPU: Intel Core i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz
Motherboard: Z270 GAMING M3 (MS-7A62)
Ram: 16 gb ddr4
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti
PSU: dont know but its supposed to be pretty good
Chassis: Zalman LG i think
OS: Windows 10 Enterprise 64bit
Monitor and resolution: Samsung 22 inch 60hz 1080p

some of the solutions i tried are putting the ram in different slots, rebooting and changing the os, installing the games under C instead of D, Playing cracked games without denuvo and some more i dont remember

im using adaptble vsync in the nvidia control panel but if i dont use vsync the fps drops still happen. im pretty sure my monitor is not gsync capable

my power plans fovours are off and i did reinstall windows before im not sure about the DDU part.
i do have geforce expirience and discord but i dont use them much, the geforce expirience optimaztion always gives me very high graphics that then causes fps drops.
Use msi afterburner to overclock your gpu. The 1070ti overclocks well and you can squeeze out a ton more performance with afterburner you can go here for more info for overclocking.https://www.overclockersclub.com/guides/gtx_1070ti_oc_guide/2.htm Set your windows power plan to high performance. In nvidia control panel Turn off vsync your monitor already runs at 60hz. Set pre rendered frames to 1, turn off ambient occlusion, power management mode to prefer maximum performance, preferred refresh rate to highest available, and texture filtering to quality. The rest of the settings should be default settings. Go to change resolution under display in nvidia control panel and make sure your settings match your monitors.

Overclocking graphics cards gains maybe 4~5 fps, it's not worth the hassle. The issue here is something else and wont simply be resolved by overclocking.


It's usually difficult to narrow down performance issues and not knowing what you've already tried Ttomerr, i'll just lay down as much as i can think of and go from there.

Firstly, with Afterburner's OSD usage stats give CPU / GPU usages and frame rates.



Regarding DDU (Display driver uninstaller) an application that is used in safemode to uninstall previous drivers. Not always necessary but something to try when having issues.



Windows 10 has a tendency to install device drivers which may lead to unfavorable performance, like GPU drivers hence DDU. Can turn off device driver updates following this guide if you were to reinstall video drivers again so Windows doesn't interfere.



Disabling Gamebar and association Xbox dvr recording app. Windows 10 tries to be game orientated os by allowing Gamebar tweak the os, more often then not it doesn't work and it's fullscreen optimisation feature doesn't do any favors either. Also xbox dvr recording records your game play automatically while playing games and then discards the file if you don't do anything with it, recording = resources.


Disabling Gamebar should disable fullscreen optimisation but the option for it directly can be found under the compatibility tab of any app or game's exe. Fullscreen optimisation is a blend between borderless fullscreen, meant to improve tabbing between games and apps whilst still render full performance. Newer games are better supporting this feature but it's still not perfect and older games like Overwatch has problems with it. Just better if you knew about this feature even if it doesn't help in your situation


Regarding memory, Dimm placements as follows.


Have you made sure all memory is accounted for? Does bios read it all? How about Windows?
Run Cpuz to check memory, https://www.cpuid.com/softwares/cpu-z.html

Picture of Cpuz as an example. Look at size for entire memory. Dram frequency reads single data rate so that's normal if you notice that. ie; DDR4 3000 = 1500x2, Cpuz reads 1500.


That's pretty much the operating system and possible causes by Windows. Other possibilities is drivers like motherboard chipset and video card drivers. It's important to install the motherboard's chipset drivers first after installing Windows, or lan drivers to get the chipset drivers if you don't have an optical disc to make use of the motherboard driver CD. Main point is you need the chipset drivers.

Nvidia drivers, you can try different versions. Sometimes newest is not always better and can sometimes cause problems. At Geforce.com driver feed back forum thread you can check how newest drivers are behaving for people and get an idea whether to install or not. Keep in mind, problems people sometimes have with latest drivers doesn't necessarily mean you'll have the same problem.

Remember to use DDU first in safemode 'if' doing the clean install option from the Nvidia driver custom install doesn't work.


Covered as much as i can for now, just throwing it all out there.

i have some questions,

* What spec is your ram? We know it's 16GB, but whats it made of? 2x 8GB? -- What about speed?

* When you're getting fps dips, is the game stuttering at all or is it gradual?

* Have you looked at game specific forums to see if anything there relating to the game you're playing has issues? Could be just a simple shadow or draw distance or another bugged setting.

* Windows + Nvidia power plans. You said you turned them off, that doesn't make sense. Have you set Windows to best performance and Nvidia's power mode to prefer maximum?


Before ill try your solutions i want to answer your questions below, my ram is 8x2 and i dont know about the speed, i didnt know speed was a factor with ram.
the fps dips arent just stuters it goes down to 45-55 and stays there.
i have looked in game specific forums i even messeged companies game support such as ubisoft but they didnt help.
the last thing you wrote im not sure what you meant im not that tech savvy about those kind of stuff but ill check it out
There are YouTube videos explaining windows power plans, should check it out.

Nvidia has a power mode as well. Usually set to optimum under Manage 3D settings, can change it to prefer maximum performance.

I just noticed your SSD. 120GB is quite small. Is this the only drive you have? How full is it? SSDs don't perform very well if too full.


i usually install on d which has more then 120gb
well i wrote that i tried installing the games under the c drive which instead of d and i still got the fps drops, anyway how do i check the speed of the other drive?

Hwinfo can do that.


When the application first loads before clicking run, uncheck sensors only so it brings you to the main Hwinfo screen. From here click and expand drives. Click on the HDD and the speed will be Media Rotation Rate right side of the window.

Side note about unchecking sensors, leaving it checked will bring you to another screen with various system readouts. Can get to this screen also by clicking sensor icon up the top.

i downloaded the program but it doesnt open on my computer wierdly enough

i downloaded the program but it doesnt open on my computer wierdly enough
make sure the mb bios has all the updates for cpu bugs. windows enterprice is not a gaming os. try using a test hard drive download and install windows home from newest windows iso usb stick. in nvidia control panel make sure it set up for one monitor and max performace. on your rig max sure you have directx 12 installed and the games are using it and not the older 9x.

i managed to open the program but it didnt say how much rpm, so i checked the internet on my specific drive and it said it has 7200rpm
so i replaced my one ram card that had 16 ram to 2 3200 ram cards that have 8 ram each and the problem was solved